Any Compatible Top Swimmers..


Fish Addict
Dec 3, 2007
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I have a very grumpy Dwarf Gourami who has decided the whole top half of the aquarium is his.

I am looking for some top dwelling fish that he might get on with because the top of my tank looks very empty with just him in it.. Just wondered what others have kept successfully with dwarf gouramis (top dwellers only)

My tanks is 24 gallons and has plenty of plants and hiding spaces. My Gourami also has 2 girlfriends (which i bought to kerb his aggression)

Just in case it's relevant he also spends his days building bubble nests wondered whether destroying them may make him less terrotorial.

I have the fish listed below in my sig.

So any recommendations??

Just replying cause I see no one else has. In terms of other top dwellers - not really :p Danios work well with aggressive fish because they can get away - however, the stress they might cause your gourami (believe it or not) is not worth taking the risk over and they can actually make the fish mroe aggressive so that even if he's not attacking them, he's taking chunks out of his other tankmates... So not much help in that respect. I really posted to say that destroying his nests will indeed curb his aggression - as would increasing the surface current and lowering the temp. a few degrees (very gradually).
Sylvia make a great point as far as destroying the nest... my male dwarf hasn't been aggressive at all since ive added a power filter that disrupts the surface of the water. being that he cant make his nest, im thinking his territorial instincts has subsided and hes been pretty chill with everyone else in the tank and not nearly as aggressive anymore.
I keep dwarf gouramis with golden wonder killies, and no problems. However, I have to say that I only have 1 dwarf gourami in the 20 gallon, so there is enough space for more top dwellers. Is a bit different in your case with 3 dwarfs.

Also my pearls seem to have a soothing effect on my dwarfs. They reign the tank in a subtle and gentle way.

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