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    Mixing Salt Water

    I blame you for telling me i had space in my curing tank for more live rock seffie :P. Dropped a eheim compact 3000 in the tank and topped it up.
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    Feather Duster Worms

    Feather dusters is just my best guess. Looked at marine photos and was the closest i could find. Will try to get the rock out at some point for a picture but at the moment it's right at the bottom :(
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    Feather Duster Worms

    One of the pieces of LR in my curing tank appears to have feather duster worms all over it. Should i remove it from the tank and put it in a small tank on its own with some salt water. I'm worried the shift in water stats Ammonia/nitrite/nitrate will damage or kill them ? Or are they better left...
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    Considering Turning Salty.

    I'm just a beginner so please take my advice with a pinch of salt. But i think maintaining a 15l marine tank is going to be a nightmare for a beginner. Marine Stock is used to extremely Stable conditions at sea and so is very susceptible to changes in water chemistry/temp. Also such a small tank...
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    Mixing Salt Water

    Is 12 hours the minimum though as i have bits of live rock i'm having to pour water over with a cup to keep wet ?
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    Mixing Salt Water

    How long after you add salt to water can you A) Test the salinity B) Add to tank I want it to add to a live rock curing tank rather than actual reef tank. I know they reccomend leaving it over night but i really need more salt water to cover the last bits of rock.
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    Live Rock

    If i upped the circulation could i put more LR in that tank just for Curing/cycling purposes. Or is it pretty full already ?
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    Live Rock

    lol searched internet for apistea and every article was about killing them. Guess it's time for the fire.
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    Live Rock

    I'm not putting any stock in here just want it to keep the rock "live" and cured until i Setup a proper tank. The rock came from an established marine tank rather than the sea so I would have thought if anything needed killing with fire it would already have been done. The yellow ones seem to...
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    Live Rock

    Picture of the setup probably 50l of water give or take. I put about a table spoon of rowa phos in media bag in filter is the only media. Is this anything to worry about or deal with ? Is this a small bit of coral or ? Actually seem to have more and more of these popping up. Few in yellow...
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    Live Rock

    Will a small amount of flow be enough from internal filter for example or does it need a power head or similar. I got some live rock i want to try to keep live until i get a tank.
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    Live Rock

    Can live rock survive for any sustained period without flow ?
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    Water Changes Vs Frequent Testing!

    Is it possible that a beginner could achieve that selfie with a big tank. Is it just a matter of low stocking and crate loads of live rock ? Also bought my first piece of salty kit. Sorry woody i'll stop stealing your thread now.
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    Water Changes Vs Frequent Testing!

    Just as a side question how hard is it to balance a tank well enough that it requires infrequent -> never water changes. I know this isn't possible with fresh water but had heard it was possible in "large" reef tanks ?
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    More Questions

    Cheers Guys I was looking at getting live rock from a reefer breaking down a tank. Just need some idea of what i'm buying. Don't want to end up buying a load of base rock covered in salt water :) Also can live rock be kept "live" with just flow and a heater ?
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    More Questions

    1. What can't you keep with just T5 lights rather than metal Halide ? 2. How can you tell if live rock is Good Quality. Looked at some today in petshop and didn't have any purple algea on it or anything just looked like grey rock. 3. Alot of people seem to reccomend deltec mce 300/600 as good...
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    Marine Word Association Game!

    Fire Coral
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    Test Kits

    Salifert although they only do single tests not kits. API Salt water is probably a close 2nd.
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    Test Kits

    Same chemicals as saltwater but the card is different due i assume to salt effecting colours. You could use one in an emergency but i would purchase a proper one if i was you or get some salifert marine ones.
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    Browsing For Bargain Tanks

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    Stocking My Tank

    Are you intentionally trolling. You started by asking loads of questions about keeping oscars in tanks that where completely unsuitable in the freshwater section and posted repeated enquires about small tanks and unsuitable for small tanks fish. You have now come into the marine section and...
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    New To The Hobby - Corydoras Tank

    The general consensues on badterial cultures are that your money would be better spent else where, as there is no proof of there effectiveness. If you have already bought one it is unlikely to have a negative effect on your fishless cycle.
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    Orca 450

    I think most will reccomend you go for the 550 rather than the 450. The 450 is going to be hard to maintain stable water parameters due to its size and also your stocking options are very limited with the 450.
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    Few Questions

    I was thinking of having a sump and just wondered if the externals where useful for secondary jobs like carbon and phosphate or maybe live rock rubble. I wasn't think of relying on solely on sump/filters for flow. When i say closed loop i mean the water is taken out of the tank at the wier and...
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    Few Questions

    1. Is tahitian black sand suitable for marine use and how deep should it be ? 2. How does the live rock thing work. If i stock a 450l tank like its a 120l tank can i just put in enough rock for a 120l tank. or do i still need enough rock for 450l. If you had a 120l and a 450l tank but only...
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    Oscar Help

    Does the fish appear to be stiff. I had a similar marking on one of my plecos except in red and it was a bacterial infection. I started doing lots of water changes and added metafix and it cleared up.
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    My First Freshwater Aquarium

    I don't think that people are really taking offence at you not wanting to use tap water so much as trying to explain that RO filters are indiscriminate. They remove the good from the water as well as the bad. Although this is neccesary for marine, using pure RO water for tropical would generally...
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    My First Freshwater Aquarium

    The problem is with using RO water is it removes some of the minerals and other trace elements which in marine are a nightmare but in tropical are required by the fish and plants. You could mix 50/50 RO water to tap water but unless you live somewhere where the tap water is very poor this is...
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    My First Freshwater Aquarium

    You can just use your tap water for fresh water unless you plan to keep something very delicate. No need for RO water. If you already have the tank drilled and sump then although you don't need it. It can be used for filtration instead of an external filter. What they used to do back in the day...
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    Big Water Change

    the only time i would have any issue with using water from hot tap is if you have a very old house with open tank in attic. otherwise you should be fine. I use hot water to fill my tanks.
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    Oscar Tank

    Hey i'm making no promises. One of my lutinos bites me all the time.
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    Ideas For A "guy" Fish

    I second cichlids being guy fishes. :good: Just pray he never see's an oscar :hyper:
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    Oscar Tank

    Most people agree that 50 gallons is the absolute minimum size tank for 1 oscar. So yes at a push you could fit a single oscar in that tank. Oscars also require heavy filtration and have high maintenace requirements. Especially in a tank that size.
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    Aquarium Plant Help

    I disagree. I think your just as likely to get cut offs or non-aquatic plants in LFS as you are online. If you find a decent online retailer, I'm sure some people here can reccomend 1 the plants will be fine. As for feeding it depends on the plants. Some aquatic plants the CO2 already present...
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    Will Ich Meds Kill The Cycle

    They shouldn't stop the cycle but they probably won't help it. Ick is generally caused when fish get run down so i would make sure your ammonia and nitrite are 0. As if you have either high ammonia/nitrite adding ick medication is just piling another chemical in a tank with already stressed fish.
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    What Are The Best Plants For Planted Tank Starters?

    Elondea densa is another easy one to grow. Although anubias turn up a lot i find them to be a bit of a pain as they are the only place in my tank i seem to get algea.
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    Is Playsand An Acceptable Substrate

    + 1 for argos play sand use it in my tanks. Wash it by filling bucket 1/3 with sand then spray water into it with hose pipe and once bucket is full pour off the water. Keep doing this until the water runs clear.
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    My oscars have Frozen Peas Frozen Prawns Hikari Cichlid Gold pellets Frozen Blood Worm Frozen brine shrimp and bigger brine shrimp can't remember name Scallops Cod fillet Worms and other insects(As long as i know they haven't been exposed to fertlisers, pesticides and other toxins) I don't...