Oscar Help

Hopefully if you do regular water changes and keep an eye on the little guy you can't go wrong. Hopefully somebody will be able to determine what is wrong soon.

could this be fungus???


i can see something coming off from the injured part

and this is the gravel i use in the tank so i don't think so gravel is the culprit

he is just falling off now he's lying on the gravel like it's dead gills barely moving the other fish comes and nudges it back to life it swims up for a couple of seconds and then falls off again what should i do???

p.s. the other fish is not hitting it
I don't think it's fungus as per the original photo, we shall just have to wait until somebody more experienced with Oscars comes along. :/

I seriously don't know what to suggest :/
well tapping on the glass gets him up for a second then he falls again :(

i bought him from a breeder he was barely one inch then i don't want to lose himplease help :'(

do you sugest that i should remove the other fish out and put in in the spare tank i don't want to remove this one as i know it'll stress him out a lot
I can only suggest it's what it looks like, a burn.

Have you seen it against the heater at any time?
i got no heater in the tank it's hot as hell around here so don't need one the water temp stays around 75-79 f anyways
You're just going to have to do regular water changes and hope for the best :unsure:
i'm so sorry i keep on bumping but ti's heart breaking to watch it lying lifelessly on the tank floor :(

thanks for the help i appreciate it well let you know of any progress :)
he's gone down rather quick which is worrying, normally a water change helps.

how big a water change did you do?
i did a 100% water change do you think that is the reason
Does the fish appear to be stiff. I had a similar marking on one of my plecos except in red and it was a bacterial infection. I started doing lots of water changes and added metafix and it cleared up.
nope he looks fine even reacts when i get close to the tank just tried to swin near but he just keeps falling off

he doesn't look stiff he is trying to swin around a bit now but fails

and if this is a bacterial infection can it spread to my other oscar???
a 100% should be ok as long as you didn't touch the filter.

was the new water the same temp? am thinking it could be shock
yes the temp was same i always check that and i realised the patch before the water change

he's wriggling his tail fin idk f that is normal right now anythig he's doing is making me concerned sorry about that :(

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