Aquarium Plant Help


New Member
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Ilford, Essex
In the next couple of days, we shall be ordering some live aquarium plants.

Most probably will be buying online, as they are way cheaper than the pet shops.

However I do have a problem, we currently have artificial plants, and we would now like a mix, some real and some fake.

So If we buy 10 live plants, we would want to put 5 in the main tank we have, and were would we put the other 5? leave them in the bag?

Or we do have a small fish tank, which we do not use shall we put them in there? its got gravel, filter, pump and also light, so the question is shall we just put the remaining 5 plants in the fish tank and fill it up with water? do we need the water to be filtered etc? or no? and does the light need to be on? if so how long?

Do the plants need to be fed? or no?

Sorry for all the questions

Well in my experience the ten plants that you order, dependant on supplier will only be cut offs (eBay) so to speak. I should imagine that 50% of what you plant will either die or be non fully aquatic and most deffinatly die in time. I did this several times and finally settled with the fact that the LFS may be dearer but is better value in the long run.

With regards to feeding the plants, well they are living organisims. Do you need to be fed?

Simply the answer is yes, plants need to be fed. I find Flourish very good along with the correct amount of light and a healthy dose of co2 each night
Well in my experience the ten plants that you order, dependant on supplier will only be cut offs (eBay) so to speak. I should imagine that 50% of what you plant will either die or be non fully aquatic and most deffinatly die in time. I did this several times and finally settled with the fact that the LFS may be dearer but is better value in the long run.

With regards to feeding the plants, well they are living organisims. Do you need to be fed?

Simply the answer is yes, plants need to be fed. I find Flourish very good along with the correct amount of light and a healthy dose of co2 each night

I disagree. I think your just as likely to get cut offs or non-aquatic plants in LFS as you are online. If you find a decent online retailer, I'm sure some people here can reccomend 1 the plants will be fine.

As for feeding it depends on the plants. Some aquatic plants the CO2 already present in the water + light + fish waste is ample food. For someone just moving into planted i would never reccomend co2 or ferts. I do like Seachem flourish but don't feel it is an any way neccesary. Certainly not for 5 plants.

If i was you if you order 10 different plants then plant them all in your aquarium. You can then see what flourishes and what struggles in your particular aquarium.
Last Trading Post on Ebay used to do a good deal and they only ever sent fully aquatic plants.

Mind you, I just gave up with live plants coz I'm sick of my tank looking like crap no matter what I do and spent £80 on silk plants!
Thanks everyone for their help, ill probs add all 10 and see which plants are suitable for the tank, cheers again.

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