Feather Duster Worms


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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One of the pieces of LR in my curing tank appears to have feather duster worms all over it. Should i remove it from the tank and put it in a small tank on its own with some salt water. I'm worried the shift in water stats Ammonia/nitrite/nitrate will damage or kill them ? Or are they better left in the tank.

I'm assuming there feather dusters anyway, thats what they look like white tubes with like yellow flowery heads.

Also do i need to get some phytoplankton or coral food for them ?
Thats pretty cool! I love finding new animals on live rock. I've found animals that appeared a year after the live rock went into my tank.
You don't have to feed them phytoplankton or coral food, they seem to live off of what ever floats by.
They should be perfectly fine in your curing tank, if they are the ones with small white spiraling tubes, they will start growing on your glass, etc.
They can actually become somewhat of a nuisance if to many of the grow on your glass. I have tons of them growing in my skimmer.
I figure its free water filtration for me! I guess they like the high water flow in there. :good:

Is it definitely a feather duster worm and not a Koko worm (protula bispiralis) or tubeworms (spirobranchus spp)

Any photo's?? Make sure you add food for them, marine snow or copepod based food supplement.
Feather dusters is just my best guess. Looked at marine photos and was the closest i could find. Will try to get the rock out at some point for a picture but at the moment it's right at the bottom :(
Try googling the other 2 I put.. And post some pics wen u can!!
Feather dusters are actually quite sensitive, so if they are, it might be better to move them :good:

Seffie x

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