Water Changes Vs Frequent Testing!

Dec 26, 2010
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Hi guys!..........Time for another dumbass question!

Since ive had my marine tank, I have been doing 20% weekly water changes, followed by a water test 24 hrs later.

But 10 days ago, when I was due to do another 1, I got lazy and decided i would do it the weekend instead.
Well Sunday has finally arrived but I thought I'm gonna test the water first, just to see if the stats have deteriated in the past 10 days.

Below are the stats I have just done.


According to myself, these stats are fine so do I really need to do a change.

Are water changes nessecary, when your water stats are fine?

Do some of you only carry out water changes, depending on your test results. ie Nitrate rise etc
Giving up on the weekly water change is a path to hell for a smaller tank. yeah you can miss the odd one without much of a problem, but once you start you get out of a routine, so imo, stick to the water changes

Seffie x
Just as a side question how hard is it to balance a tank well enough that it requires infrequent -> never water changes. I know this isn't possible with fresh water but had heard it was possible in "large" reef tanks ?
Indeed, I do only a couple of water changes in a year on my 400L but I am not heavily stocked

Seffie x
Is it possible that a beginner could achieve that selfie with a big tank. Is it just a matter of low stocking and crate loads of live rock ? Also bought my first piece of salty kit. Sorry woody i'll stop stealing your thread now.
Defo not recommended I run bio pellets, balling, rowaphos and still do 60L water a fortnight
Defo not recommended I run bio pellets, balling, rowaphos and still do 60L water a fortnight

I would agree, however with low stocking and running a phosphate and nitrate reactor it is possible, However I do need to add 25 Litres sometimes more to my tank each week due to evaporation so I wouldn't want you to think that no water is added.

I learnt about the hobby with a 126L best thing I ever did :good: and did a 20% water change every week and enjoyed doing it!

Seffie x
But if my stats are fine at the mo and I keep checking them then what would be the point of doing a change at the moment. What would I achieve, except for maybe slightly lower nitrate level. I'm currently running rowaphos, nitrate remover, activated carbon, plenty of LR and my skimmer ( which i always make sure has a clean cup)
You are replacing vital elements such as calcium, mag, minerals etc

seffie x

Good point Seffie!....Did'nt think of that!.........better get my reef salt out then and start mixing!

Quick question!........How long will ro water be ok for in a 25L container [just sitting there]
About a month if it is covered up as well with a bin liner :good:
Seffie named a of the elements that you replenish but there are other ones that we do not test for such as Iodine,Strontium and Boron.

Regular water changes will replenish these all are needed to a certain extent by corals,fish and Inverts

I personally dont test for ammonia or Nitrite as the tank will soon tell you if you have any of these.

In addtion a key to a succesful marine tank is stability when these elements drop off the tank will suffer.

25L container will last a while if you are refering ot a normal water container depends on temp of the room its stored it.

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