Search results

  1. fishboy619

    Guppies And Molly Fry

    erm... gather up the fry and place in breeding nets, and put the guppies in the 10g. or devide a small section off for the fry, and let the guppies live in the other side.
  2. fishboy619

    Pics Of My Lionfish

    great fish, i think they are poisonous, so be careful good luck,
  3. fishboy619


    reports have been writen of kuhliis breeding in tanks, but no one knows how o trigger this, its always happened by accident. my black kuhliis are always out in the day, swimming around, up and down the glass corners and though plants, i dont think they ever did under the sand. they also spin...
  4. fishboy619

    Just A Question

    cheers guys, i just wondered as my lfs has plants in a huge tank, i dont think its heated, but a bright light above them. i can always take a small cutting of a plant and try it.
  5. fishboy619

    Fry Left To Be Born In Main Tank

    pebbles, gravel i dont think it matters. i do see fry hiding amongst the gravel, pushing them selves down, but they will do the same in pebbles,the wood and plants you have should be ok, what size is the tank?
  6. fishboy619

    Can You Get Tiger Platys?

    i managed to buy just one of these platies when i saw 1 at the fish shop in a group of orange platies. it was a male, im breeding it with a orange female to see what happens, unfortunatly i havent seen a female tiger platies, so i doubt the tigers i have will carry one. you can also get panda...
  7. fishboy619

    Guppies And Molly Fry

    if the molly fry are too big to fit in the guppies mouth, then yes, but i doubt they 2 week old platy fry are small, so i bet your young mollies would be eaten.but the guppies might not bother, it ca go both ways.
  8. fishboy619

    You Know Ur Addicted To Fishkeeping When...

    21)when you use the excuse "im doing a fish tank water change" to get out of akward situations
  9. fishboy619


    cheers wilder, thats probally why i havent seen any, my ammonia levels are very low now
  10. fishboy619

    Post A Pic Of Your Fish And Rate Fish Above You

    sorry no photos from me, 10/10 for the above, great fish i really need to get a camera
  11. fishboy619

    Just A Question

    as every one knows, tropical fish needs warm water, and coldwater fish need cooler water, but does it effect plants? are plants tropical and coldwater, could i take a few cutting of my plants in my tropical tanks and plant in coldwater tanks?
  12. fishboy619

    Pictures Of Your Room

    are we looking at the kitchen or the tank there?lol both are great. my fish tanks are in my room, i have a very big bedroom that also has a few other pets (hamster cages,hutches,etc) other fish tanks are in main living room and one in the hallway, mainy to show off to visiters, the biggest...
  13. fishboy619


    ive seen them sometimes in a few if my tanks, the fish eat them, havent seen any for a long time, maybe all gone. how do they get there do any one know?
  14. fishboy619

    New Tank

    great tank, shrimps and photos there, you should be pleased with yourself
  15. fishboy619

    Siberian Husky's, Any Pic's?

    cheers guys and girls, i was set one having a husky pup, but hearing real experiences, i guess i have to think again, my family do own a bit of land, my father was a sort of farmer (long story) before he retired due to injury and all the stock was sold, so we do have a few big fields to run...
  16. fishboy619

    Dwarf Puffers

    i think i forgot to mension, ottos make great tank mates, never bothered with my puffers. i doubt any other fish could live with them, to higher risk.
  17. fishboy619

    Female Betta Housing...

    i once had 4 none related living together in a 20 gallon well planted tank, no problems, but on the other hand, ive also has 3 sisters living together and fights broke out. it depends on the bettas i think.i usally keep 1 female in a community and they always do well.
  18. fishboy619

    New Litter

    all so cute, love them all :wub: why are they one the purple towel on the stand?just curious
  19. fishboy619

    An Idea

    i wouldnt feed it them either, bloodworms are cheap and its too risky to feed them.
  20. fishboy619

    Funny Neon Tetra Video

    your rocks certainly are gifted in some way, maybe its the blueish color? my cardinals are always chasing one another round and playing. nothing to worry about, they have been doing that since i bought them, 7 months ago.
  21. fishboy619

    Corys Are Worshipping A Rock....

    lol, might be worshipping the fish god i see you have gravel, how are the cories bearing up on that, not being rude, but cories like sand more in my opinion.
  22. fishboy619

    Siberian Husky's, Any Pic's?

    wow, all the books i read and the sites ive visited have never given the personal experience side of things, reading what all you have writen, is making me change my mind, i was dead set on getting one, all the research dont, a few phone calls to trainers and thought i had it all compleated...
  23. fishboy619

    Dwarf Puffers

    i personally wouldnt add 2 in there, a small amount of room will probally cause aggression and one being bullies by the other.i have all mine in single 5 gallon tanks.they all do pretty well and are happy living on their own.any substrate will be fine, gravel or sand as they are going to be no...
  24. fishboy619

    What I Read On A Betta Bowl Box..

    like more people on here, 1 is false, what animal like living is small areas?the myth goes they come from small puddles in the wild, in the wild the "puddles" may be shallow, but cover hugh amounts of area.also in the wild, the bettas dont have the long fins. 2 personally i think no, they are...
  25. fishboy619

    Siberian Husky's, Any Pic's?

    cheers for the info guys, my dog i have now is a collie, i usally walk to and from school and the dog gets walked then, (me and mum walk to school with dog, she walks back, she picks me up with dog, and we both walk back)also get walked in middle of day by other family member, and really long...
  26. fishboy619

    My Psychotic Ram!

    i added 2 male rams into a 60lt with 3 platies and they terrosied the lot of them, with in a week, one ram had been killed and the platies were unhappy, i returned the one male left. i found that they are very aggressive even in a large, planted tank.some times fish just dont get one.
  27. fishboy619

    Koi In My 75 Gallon Community Tank

    i am NOT treating people like children, i am mearly explaning how i feel about keeping tropical fish in cooler waters. i wasnt trying to sound like im an expert, or a know it all. just trying to give the facts, tropical fish need tropical three-fingers says, we all feel its urgent to...
  28. fishboy619

    Lots Of Pics (you've Been Warned! Lol)

    picture mad :P i love them all, well done for sharing. great pictures, love raj and the 10g devided is looking well too.
  29. fishboy619

    Fish Quiz

    intresting read, seen it before, but couldnt remember where i'd seen the picture
  30. fishboy619

    Siberian Husky's, Any Pic's?

    hey everyone, my mum let me get get a dog for the family as the one we have already is lonely as his friend pasted away. im not rushing into anything, have thought long and hard about this and have decided to get a siberian husky.they are some for sale at work, so its perfect timing. just...
  31. fishboy619

    Triops(bet Your Thinking Not Agian)

    cheers dizzied :good: its not how old you are, its how you act, im sure they are other 12year olds one this forum, some you wouldnt even be able to tell as they act so mature. hey, prankster705, good on you for learning a third language, im still struggling with my second at school, (french)...
  32. fishboy619

    My 10 Gallon And Its Inhabitants

    i like it, your fish look good too,after the plants have grown a bit, im sure it will look even better.
  33. fishboy619

    Fish Quiz

    tiger barbs?
  34. fishboy619

    Koi In My 75 Gallon Community Tank

    i dont think i acted like "a know it all" and i dont class myself as an expert, its simple knowledge that the species of fish you have are tropical water fish, therefore need warm waters. its like making changes to suit you, even if it isnt what the fishes need.i wasnmt trying to put you dont...
  35. fishboy619

    New Puppy Pictures

    awwww so cute how lovely :wub:
  36. fishboy619

    Do U Pet Ur Fish

    my bettas headbut me, and sometimes when i have my hands in the tanks, the group of pygmy cories will investagate and swim on my hand, pretty cool i think
  37. fishboy619

    Fishie Options For A 5 Gallon Eclipse?!

    a group of ottos work like 1 catfish, they are small and wont bother the bees.
  38. fishboy619

    Training Your Fish

    what!? thats well cruel, not only feeding metal pellets, as its pointless because its not food, but also making it move using magnets, jesus, somethings go to far...
  39. fishboy619

    Training Your Fish

    ive heard of goldfish being trained with food, also saw it on the program "myth busters" they were trying to prove that goldfish had a memory span longer then 3 seconds, and also trained it in the process. not sure if this counts, but some of my bettas come to the surface, follow my finger, and...