Female Betta Housing...


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2007
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I've heard different things so I'm a little confused. I've always heard that you can keep female bettas together as long as you have around 6 of them. But recently I've been told that it's not a good idea to house female bettas together unless they are sisters. I was hoping that someone could share their experience with housing female bettas together. I'd really like to have a tank of bettas, but I don't know if it's a good idea or not....

I have 2 sisters together and i introduced oen who was living with another female(her sister) in a real small tank(talking 2 litres...) so they didnt have the room to fihgt. SO i broke them up(sorry) and brought her home. SHes a real beauty(i called her Mia). I had her floating in the bag 4 ages(talkiing like 2 hours) adding water every 20 mins as she was kept in a tank with out a heater and was put in a bag from a goldfihs tank so VERY COLD.
ANyway,Moulin and Rouge(the sisters) were fien together anyway but with Mia theyre fien too. Theres plenty of room for them to hide and swim. Theres the occasional chase as Mias twice as big as Rouge(the smallest). I cant believe Mias the dominant female when she was introduced 3 days after Moulin and ROuge sorted out their pecking order(Moulin being the dominant one then).
SO i say go for it but it may depend on your bettas personallity. If theyve grown up with just 1 more female round them and you want to add them into a tank,like me, of another 2 females then it should be fine as shes got used to ahving smaller numbers of females around them. But if you were to add one from a tank on its own to a tank of 6 others then shed be to scared and shy or maybe in some cases totally attack them or get bullied on... ITS YOUR DESCISON!!!!!!!!!!
Larger group and sisters is generally the best way to try and avoid agression. Lots of hiding places and adding them all at once also helps
i have two together at the moment (i know i need to get more, there were no others at the store i liked when i got the two girls) and they get along great. cadence prefers to lay at the bottom by the marbles, but she can swim fine and always comes up during feeding time, i think she may not like the current but dolce is an attention hog :lol: . they do follow each other around and cadence bumps up against dolce and swims behind her...they look like little female guppies the way they act :D .
i once had 4 none related living together in a 20 gallon well planted tank, no problems, but on the other hand, ive also has 3 sisters living together and fights broke out. it depends on the bettas i think.i usally keep 1 female in a community and they always do well.
It really depends. Normally you're better off buying all the females at once, whether from different shops or not, and introducing them at the same time. Siblings or no doesn't really matter too much, even siblings have heirachy. You can introduce more at a later time, but often it's difficult without a complete tank rearrange.
Like others have said it really depends on the individual bettas. I have a 20 gallon heavily planted with 9 girls and they get along great with very little aggression problems. So I say go for it. Sometimes you get an overly aggressive female but for the most part they all get on swimmingly, :lol:

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