New Tank

Shrimp heaven. What a blast they must have. Very decent macro shots there!
This tank is unique. The Lace leaf was a great addition.
Do you sell the moss clippings on ebay? Would be a good way to raise money for further projects.
Oh, and please consider entering it into the PFK aquascaping competition. Details will be in the latest PFK (subscribers got them today).
Thanks so much for the nice words, very encouraging. The lace plant is lovely but it looks a bit centrepiece though its planted to the side, it looks like it’s going to get big too, when the ferns grow it should look less of a highlight. The armoured shrimp trundle around the tank pulling the moss with them, they are like giants compared to the others, they would be fine with the fish so they might be moving out. The ghost shrimp were chopping antennae off the dwarf shrimp so they have moved into more suitable digs. The shrimp are indeed happy the first bumblebee babies were born last week. Here is a pic of one on a lace leaf 6 days old and a cherry baby about 4 days old I think, its a crystal red behind the leaf I am moving the ones closer to A grades to this tank from the overcrowded five gallon.

The mosses and fissindens are wonderfully slow growing, except Taiwan moss which is as fast as java.

Thanks Radar for the suggestion of entering it in the PFK competition I don’t think the tank is up to much in terms of aquascaping though I do like it. If I can be organised enough to post I will give any extra moss away here when I need to clip it. Also I will need to find suitable homes for the fast-producing shrimps, though I wouldn’t post them (don’t have the equipment).

Anyway here is the pic. (spot the shrimplets) the one with the brown is the bumblebee.

Ohh they are so lovely, wish I could try to rear more types of shrimp later... :)

Good job Liam.
:good: Thumbs Up to ya mate! Awesome looking tank! LIKE IT ALOT!!!! :drool: this is Homers reply from the simpsons :drool: lol


  • budgie_cat.jpg
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Haha love the iccle shrimp :)

BTW didn't realise you have fissindens in there, any chance of a pic?

Also this tank is definitely worth entering into the PFK comp, you've got nothing to lose and with the pics you're able to take its gotta be worth a shot. I certianly would if it was my tank.

Looking good thanks for the reply, my tank seems to have stablised and my cherry shrimp are now saddled.I'm hoping to get some tiger and bumblebee shrimp too.What ph you have your PH at for your shrimp?
Hi Liam

I love your moss jungle and lovely pictures. Can you tell me if the flame moss is easy to take care of? Does it grow fast/slowly? I'm thinking of asking someone to look for & buy some for me in Hong Kong.

Luc, I am sure you will have sucess with any shrimp, your cherries are doing very well.

SlipS; Nice parrot and cat, super cutesy!

Sam, I have three fissindens, nobilis (with the shrimp), I think it may need more light than I have it looks like grass grown about an inch and a half of new growth. Same one as Dan was talking about F sp the other only had a Chinese name of which I have about six leaves one of which is sprouting some growth after being in the tank a over two months.

Here are pics first F sp second nobilis (sp?) and third the unknown. The Sp is a super looking plant ivy green.


T. The PH is 6.7-6.9

Kit the flame moss has grown about an inch and a half on each strand, I tied it flat to the wood and it sprouted in different places on each strand. Not fast but like java but good steady growth in pretty low light.

Thanks for the info Liam :D I think I will try to get hold of some and try out. Not a cheap plant to buy :sad: .

P.S. Did you get my pm message?
Didn't he say it was willow moss (or was that just my imagination) ? :blink:

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