Fishie Options For A 5 Gallon Eclipse?!

I have Bumble Bee Goby, they're just the most charming and entertaining little fish. There are differing views on whether to have salted water or not, just depends on which website you go to!

I wouldn't go for anymore than 3 to 5 as they're quite terratorial (they don't school in the traditional sense but they do like to interact with each other) and need a reasonable amount of floor space to call their own. They like caves and to perch on plants, rocks and the sides of the tank to keep an eye on their territory, so make sure you've got some different height rocks for them, I use really tiny terra cotta pots for "caves" and they love them too, i bought them from the "Home Decorator" section in KMart.

I feed mine frozen (defrosted) bloodworm, I drop it infront of the filter outflow (I have an internal filter with the outflow pointing toward the side of the tank so that there's a sort of around and downward current) so it gets pushed around the tank and they go nuts for it. I'm sure they think it's live bloodworm because it's moving! I only feed them tiny bits at a time as for the most part, they don't pick it up once it settles on the gravel (but my molly cleans up the left overs).

Or you could go for some guppies, they're really colourful and really entertaining to watch too (in a completely different way to the bees). But make sure you only get males or you'll be over run with fry before you know it!

I have both guppies and bee's in my tank, perhaps you could get 3 of each.

I wouldn't put any shrimp in as they're bottom dwellers too and would encroach on the Bee's territory. Oh and my tank is FW, no salt, and my bee's buzz around all day!
Sounds like a good idea. I'll prolly get like 4 of them. Is there a catfish of some sort which we be a good clean up type fish for the stuff the bee's don't eat. Of course I'd only be able to have 1 which a problem I'm guessing.
2 things here..I keep my bb gobies in fresh water and they are not sluggish salt here because I have a BN and corys.

2ndly, dont put a couple of gourami's in that small tank. You would be better off with just 1 gourami in there if you really have to have it.

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