Search results

  1. Chrispixx

    I Want To Know If There Is Anyone Out There That Has Never Had Anythin

    That could happen with fish from any LFS, Petco, Etc. The only way to avoid that would be to quarrantine the new fish for a few weeks. When i buy new fish i look at all the fish in the tank, and if any look sick i dont buy. There are plenty of LFS's in my area i can just go to another one. Most...
  2. Chrispixx

    I Want To Know If There Is Anyone Out There That Has Never Had Anythin

    The worst thing i had happen to me.. A long time ago my first 55 gal. started leaking. I got the tank from a friend who had it for who knows how long. After having it myself for about 3-4 years it started leaking all over the hardwood floor. Of course this happend when i had been away for about...
  3. Chrispixx

    Just Do It Already! We Need Writers!

    Not me.. i didnt take the cup, i got my betta at petsmart and i had the employee bag the fish for transport because i was concered the lid would come off and spill, then i would have a betta flopping around on my car floor. I'm surprised at places like petsmart where they have the tanks...
  4. Chrispixx

    My Tank Cracked:(

    Wow! Lok rocks.. I didnt know they still made those i used to have them like 18 years ago.
  5. Chrispixx


    This may be better answered in the emergencies section maybe a mod will move it. But some more info will helpful. How long has the tank been set up? Roughly how old is said fish? Do you have a water test kit? And can you list some results on ammonia, nitrIte, nitrAte And Ph.
  6. Chrispixx

    Murky Water Problem.

    The video of the tank looked clearer than the pics in post #13. In the pics it looks like green water which would be algea,(or is that just the way the pics look?) you say your lights are on only four hours but is the tank near a window where it would get sunlight to cause an algea bloom? If it...
  7. Chrispixx

    Air Pump Sponge Filters

    I have sponge filters in four of my tanks the 30, 29, 20 and 5 gal. Similar to these..Lee's Sponge Filter a different brand though essentially the same. I have two in the 30, one in the 29 and 20 and one in the 5 gal. They work great.. i put them in the corners and hide them under the gravel. I...
  8. Chrispixx

    6 Gal Tank, Am I Stuck Stocking With Minatures?

    2 liters is a 1/2 gallon... Way too small.
  9. Chrispixx

    6 Gal Tank, Am I Stuck Stocking With Minatures?

    Who's been doing this longer? You... or the other people helping you? Go ahead take the tank back to the store (insert "cookoo" emoticon here.) How you can return it after hearing it would be a better home for your betta is weird/strange (for lack of some better terms) :angry: Any fish will...
  10. Chrispixx

    Am I Being Stupid?

    Looking at the picture in this link to Fish TB (Mycobacterium marinum) you would definitely know if you had it. AllenLeicester..anyway dont let this worry you, the chances of you catching anything from your fish is slim to none. You could give dwarf gouramis a try but people have including me...
  11. Chrispixx

    Aquarium Safe Glues/epoxies/silicones

    Dont could use something from the hardware store/home center ... but when it kills all your fish then what? why not use something from a LFS or online fish site thats labled "Fish Safe"
  12. Chrispixx

    Please Critique My Stocking For A 20g

    What happens when your middle fish goes up top and your top fish goes in the middle?? how are you going to keep them where they are supposed to be? :lol: :lol: (i couldnt resist that) The point is fish go where they want... my gouarmis go everywhere up, down, middle.. while my danios mainly...
  13. Chrispixx

    Aquarium Safe Glues/epoxies/silicones

    I dont think silicone will hold something like that. I have heard of people using super glue in certain situations. Here is a epoxy..Mr. Sticky's Underwater Glue Here is another..Instant Ocean Holdfast. I have used Mr. Sticky's and it's easy to work with.
  14. Chrispixx

    Get Rid Of Your Algae, Etc!

    Here's the link: Protalon The article at the bottom " Algae In Your Aquarium" Has some good info.
  15. Chrispixx

    How Bout Now

    Bad A** Fish
  16. Chrispixx

    Well, What A Horrible Day This Has Turned Out To Be...

    I understand you feel sorry them but dont beat yourself up over it. It's not your fault the LFS does not have large enough tanks to house them. Hopefully someone knowledgeable with big tanks will pic them up soon. (or as you say straight away ;) ) I hope the rest of your day turns out better...
  17. Chrispixx

    Well, What A Horrible Day This Has Turned Out To Be...

    Also one big block of text is hard on the eyes as well. It helps to separate into pargraghs. Like This: I Dig It... how about you?? A lot easier to read. :good:
  18. Chrispixx

    Miniature Heaters

    This is the smallest heater this web site has...Hydor Mini Heater. They are quality heaters i have a Hydor 300 watt submersible in my 55gal, that's been in there for five years or more and works great. I have this heater in my 5 gal. betta tank. 6" Mini Heater It hardly ever comes on but its...
  19. Chrispixx


    I didnt even catch that.. All i saw was the pic below his comment (in his sig.. the dwarf gourami) and thought he was saying that was going to be his avatar. Which led me to belive BigC misnamed it. My Bad. :blush:
  20. Chrispixx


    That is a Dwarf Gourami not Indian Glassfish (or Painted Glass fish) the common name. Look at pics in posts 3,5,7 and 9 in the thread below, they are the same as Grimmy's avatar. Cool fish. Dwarf Gourami
  21. Chrispixx

    Nitrite Too High?

    Dosing your tank with Prime and using it as your water conditoner will help because it detoxifies Nitrite and Ammonia.
  22. Chrispixx

    Neon Tetras, And What Else?

    You didnt say if the 30 gal. is cycled yet or not. If its not cycled yet... sounds like you will be doing an experiment called see how many fish and shrimp can be killed buy putting them in a 30 gal. uncycled tank. If its not cycled i would just put the new fish in the 30 gal. to get the cycle...
  23. Chrispixx

    Anyone On Here Got Plastic?

    A credit card on a acryic tank? i would think that would scratch it. I have used paper towels right off the roll with no i'll effects. Just make sure there plain, no prints, flowers etc. Now i know someone might say paper towels are hard and might scratch, but in the states were i live we...
  24. Chrispixx

    Some Serious Algae!

    Sorry...i didnt even look at the date/time of the last few posts in that thread :blush: It's going to work... blackouts usually always do. The question is will the algae return or not, that is a another story.
  25. Chrispixx

    Some Serious Algae!

    It was jayjay that originally suggested the blackout. Maximus tried it and it worked for him. did it work for you as well?? you havent updated that thread.
  26. Chrispixx

    Hello From Texas

    Hello and Have fun browsing around here and learning. Doing searches will help you a great deal beacuse there may already be a topic started on what you want to know. Good Luck. :good:
  27. Chrispixx

    Found A Good Looking Screensaver

    I like it... but the trial version puts my monitor to sleep after five minutes. I guess i'll have to buy it. (or find a registrtion code for it.) :blink: ;)
  28. Chrispixx

    Just Saying High! ...newbie

    Hello and Both of these are the best advice you can get. Especially the second part, if you see a fish or fishes in the pet store that you like dont just buy right away, take down the name and research it on the internet via Google or Here. Chances are if the store has plenty they will...
  29. Chrispixx

    Brown Algee

    Brown algae could be caused by some nutrient in the water such as phosphate or excess nitrate. Lack of light seems to contribute to it as well, because brown algea thrives in low light. For me there is a fine line for lighting, too much and green algae develops, not enough and brown thrives...
  30. Chrispixx

    N00b! Hi I'm From Newfoundland,canada

    Hey there Candy... Hello and I want to compliment you on your avatar.. If that is you... all i can say is WOW! :hey: This is a great site with a lot of great info. Have fun :good:
  31. Chrispixx

    I Tried A New Product Superbac For Cycling And It Worked Great

    That is just too funny! i had to send those to my friend. Ever since i've been a member here i've always wondered about the "pie" thing too. But whats bizarre is, i actually thought his Lionfish was hunting for pie. :lol: I guess when you combine the pic and the text thats the way it looks...
  32. Chrispixx

    Cloning Tank Advice

    I'm not trying to be a wise-arse.... but i've never known anyone to go from one size tank to a smaller one.
  33. Chrispixx

    Cloning Tank Advice

    If you wanted to be totally safe you could add some ammonia (a little bit) to make sure it gets converted.. like it normally would in a cycled tank. But hopefully you will be ok.
  34. Chrispixx

    My Python Sucks!

    Hmmm. Maybe it is the water pressure. I always thought it would be hard to siphon uphill.
  35. Chrispixx

    My Python Sucks!

    Just a thought... but is it possible that your tank is lower than your faucet?? it wont drain easy if it is. For my python i have a garden hose "Quick Disconnect" type fitting where the hose hooks to the faucet suction thing. This way i can get the water flowing then unhook it, kink the hose...
  36. Chrispixx

    Monster Fish Keeper

    I dont know about the Aro being fine they get big. Notice how that one is not Long but Wide i'll bet thats due to the tank size. It does look nice and the water is clear but, it must be a chore trying to keep the NitrAtes down.
  37. Chrispixx

    Rainbow Sharks

    Sorry but it does not sound normal to me... but i could be wrong. I've only had one rainbow shark all this time fishkeeping, heres what happened with mine. My rainbow was in my 20 gal. when i first got him. He was being picked on by my black shark and hid all the time. He hid 24-7, never even...
  38. Chrispixx

    Just Wanted To Say Hi!

    Hello and For any information you need it helps to do a search using "keywords" as there may already be a topic started on the subject your looking for info on. Have fun...
  39. Chrispixx


    Some people you just cant help. Timber.... time for a new sig pic.. blake didnt win.