How Bout Now

im assuming your teenage??? as the way your typing is commonly used in chats/ games. just rember to use compleate sentances and write out full words.
ex: srry to sorry
k- ok
dude - sir

Thank you afishsir!

Sorry, couldn't resist. Honestly, if I am posting something more than a few sentences I will compose it in ms word, and run it through spellcheck. There are plenty of things I miss when typing a longer post, I end up reading for context and often blow past spelling errors.
I just tend to rush stuff to fast its not that i mean to mess up on grammer. Its both im a teen and has adhd bad mix but ill try better.
Thank you afishsir!

Sorry, couldn't resist. Honestly, if I am posting something more than a few sentences I will compose it in ms word, and run it through spellcheck. There are plenty of things I miss when typing a longer post, I end up reading for context and often blow past spelling errors.

If your doing that I would recommend downloading Firefox, it underlines misspelled words in red.
I just tend to rush stuff to fast its not that i mean to mess up on grammer. Its both im a teen and has adhd bad mix but ill try better.

I understand disorders are not easy to over come but as this post has gone on your getting there. This sentence is a lot better structured and alot easier to read
Yes im tryin hard not to have bad grammer
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. My friend has it but it doesn't really affect her grammar or spelling, fair enough it means she has to check things but that's what she does.

Bad A** Fish
I'm 45 and still have problems with grammer sometimes, and I can understand about the ADHD, I have a 7 year old daughter that has it. She is smart as a whip but she doesn't pay attention on a few things---hoping she'll outgrow it, she is very hyper and she usually falls asleep at about 11 p.m., I've seen her up at 3p.m. and still not be tired---that alone makes me tired. She has a problem with poo pooing in her panties at times cause she gets so buisy in life that she forgets to use the rest room + she has a problem (physical) that keeps her from feeling the sensation and that added with ADHD is quit embarrassing for her. I'd most certainly wouldn't want the problem, however I do feel that most or some comedians have it, certainly Robin Williams does among other things I'm sure. I agree with doing the spell check, I'm not in your shoes so I won't judge---however if this is a prank I do think it is crude and very wrong. Wish you the best in your indevors on learning about tanks and vocabulary.

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