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  1. P

    Struggling With High Phosphates Again

    Yes do the Pothos! I use it in all my tanks.
  2. P

    Thinking About ...

    Hi, my name is PepperjacksMama, and I am a Cory addict. So having two doctors appointments today, one morning, one afternoon, I just took the day off. So to kill time I hit a local shop. Well, there was one lonely Albino Cory. And we all know what happened next...
  3. P

    Thinking About ...

    Ah yes, the unbreakable law of C.A., mess with my Corys and you are no longer welcome here.
  4. P

    Thinking About ...

    Cardinals are nice. Go for it!
  5. P

    My Pond

    Pond? Thought it was a Lily planter.
  6. P

    Thinking About ...

    Akasha, So sorry to hear about all the troubles in your tank. I do hope the little Harley gets well. As for your Angels...well, we do know they are Cichlids. Absolutely beautiful, but they are the main reason I have four Angels in three tanks. Regrets about getting them? Yes, sometimes.
  7. P

    55 Gal. Stocking Suggestions Please

    How about Harleys? Good shoaler/schooler, and they tend towards the upper strata, whereas Neons tend lower in the tank.
  8. P

    Starter Kit Lighting Enough?

    Some good information here. I agree with Byron about dosing iron with the red plants. Crypts, Tiger Lotus, et cetera. I am also not so fond of the watts per gallon/lite rule. In my experience the color spectrum is more important. Plants 'see' in almost the opposite spectrum we do. As for...
  9. P

    A Little Trim?

    Perhaps trim the older leaves towards the bottom, those going yellow. Other than that, it looks good.
  10. P

    Thinking About ...

    As for mine, the surprise was the spawn. Big waterchanges with cooler water is the norm. Normally I spot the chasing, as my boys are a randy lot. Buy this time not. The waterchange was Sunday, maintenance day. But no sign of spawns since last Summer.
  11. P

    Thinking About ...

    Hi, Akasha. We don't judge here at C.A., we're all here to support one another. I got a nice surprise last night at lights on. Seems the Bronze and Albinos were busy yesterday. Eggs all over the glass. The little sneaks showed no courting behavior.
  12. P

    What Do You Think Of This Stocking?

    Tank sounds great. Thanks for the video. Only seen a few Rummys around here. Nice looking, but in a large school, wow!
  13. P

    Has She(?) Over Eaten Or Carrying Eggs?

    If its eggs, check for them cleaning a possible laying site, and for their breeding tubes to drop. And if indeed eggs, prepare for it to happen every couple of weeks. However if a bit of over feeding, a fast won't hurt. Pretty girl by the way.
  14. P

    Easy, Idiot-Proof Plants?

    Love me some Pothos! You want a weed, Water Sprite. Float it or plant it, just be prepared to prune it. Money Wort is also fairly easy.
  15. P

    Adding Fish

    I would agree. Both about the slowing down. I know its hard once the bug gets hold of you. But it is better for the fish, and saves you a lot of frustration and heartache. And as for the Angels. I have two in 20 gallon high tanks, but that is only a temporary fix as I had to clean up a 29. They...
  16. P

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    Tank one: 8 Bronze, 4 Albinos, at last count. Tank two: 1 Leucomales, 1 unknown, 1 Sterbai. (All rescues.) Tank three: 4 Bronze, 4 Albino.
  17. P

    Curious About Catfish Breed(Intermingle)

    I agree, about 6 being the minimum. More is always better, but depending on floor space and adult size, 6 may be all. As for the same species, it's always best. Put 6 people from 6 countries in the same room, and while all people, nothing going to be as comfortable as 6 people from the same...
  18. P

    Danios And Neons

    Both are peaceful.
  19. P

    Thinking About ...

    Nope. Have never seen the show. Pepperjack is my dog, and i'm his Mama. Now back to our regularly scheduled thread.
  20. P

    Albino Catfish

    As posted on another thread, most albinos are bronze albinos. It's best to get the same species. As it helps bring out their natural behavior. Albinos and bronze get along well and breed readily. I have a three year old Cory from a bronze father and albino mother. The spastic behavior then...
  21. P

    Curious About Catfish Breed(Intermingle)

    Most albino are bronze albinos. They get along well and breed readily.
  22. P

    Thinking About ...

    Cardinals are great, but as has been said, much like Neons they tend to wander the tank. And with Angels it's hit and miss. A big school of Harleys always look good. And with the various color morphs there's something for everyone.
  23. P

    20 Gal Tanks

    Daily waterchanges. 30-50%. Test water daily, until the cycle catches up. And more plants wouldn't hurt.
  24. P

    Danios And Neons

    Yes and no, about the community tank. Both fish are schoolers/shoalers. By your other thread, I would say both need their numbers increased. The rule of thumb is 6, but the more the merrier. I have a tank with 6 Neons and a Cardinal that was a rescue. As well as 6 Black Neons. The Neons and...
  25. P

    Albino Catfish

    Could you describe spastic? Some behavior is disease related. If it is just swimming rapidly back and forth as well as up and down the glass. Then no worries. Corys do that, much more soon when younger. But as Corys are very social more is always better. As well with the Tetras and Danios...
  26. P

    Spot Sited On Tail Fin Of Neon?

    Sounds like ick. Easy enough to treat.
  27. P

    Place Your Bets

    Would the smudges be a bad thing?
  28. P

    Filter Upgrading

    I agree with Akasha. I run several of the Aquaclear hobs. Two layers of sponge. A layer of quilt batting for polishing, and the ceramics. I have several bags of the carbon unopened. I usually run two filters a tank. Each cleaned about once a month. One every two weeks. As for the media. It...
  29. P

    Place Your Bets

    Ooooo, I want it, I want it!
  30. P

    Add A Second Filter?

    I am all for two or more filters. As has been said you can't over filter. But you can have too much flow. Sponge filters are a nice option.
  31. P

    A Pleasant Surprise

    THanks hudsona, but as with everyone else, including our District Manager, (which is killing him), you have to wait until it's done. Hi Akasha, not so much the floor, as it's a concrete slab. But the cabinet itself. We have had this same Safety Officer nix a couple of bucket rack designs...
  32. P

    Place Your Bets

    Oh well. Still holding out hope. My crew we playing tag last evening as well. Sunday was waterchange day and last night was frozen blood worms. Sadly the girls just weren't interested.
  33. P

    A Pleasant Surprise

    Hi all, Well for background, we are setting up a four foot tank in our showroom at work. After hearing "when can we put fish in the tank?" until my ears bled while it cycled, the happy day came. So as I am doing a massive waterchange and general tidy, our Safety Officer pays us a surprise...
  34. P

    Place Your Bets

    Fingers crossed.
  35. P

    Who Has Left Fish Keeping And Come Back?

    Got a 10 gallon given to me when I was eight. Which grew into multiple tanks. Lost interest as a teenager, then got back into the hobby a handful of years ago. My how things have changed since the 70's. Once again multiple tanks, though about half are empty at present, and two have been taken...
  36. P

    Using Leaf Litter For Infusoria

    Interesting, on this side of the pond, Black or Blackjack Oak have rounded tips. The trees do contain toxins. Sort of a defense mechanism. The saplings release it through the roots. Poisoning the soil and killing surrounding trees so as not to be shaded out. However I do not know if the toxin...
  37. P

    Place Your Bets

  38. P

    New To Forums, Not To Fishkeeping.

    Doubtful any more tanks will be set back up. Lack of space, and more importantly, a lack of time to tend them properly. As for pics, maybe after a rescape. The 20s aren't so much scape as filled with leftovers. And the four footer has nothing but swords. My Angels didn'the much care for stems.
  39. P

    New To Forums, Not To Fishkeeping.

    Hello everyone, New here to the whole forum thing, but been a fish keeper a number of years. So don'the worry I am familiar with the Nitrogen cycle and cycling tanks. Doing a fish less cycle on a four foot tank in our showroom at work. (If I had a dollar for every time I have had to answer...