What Do You Think Of This Stocking?

That stocking sounds amazing, and I cannot WAIT to follow the journal! I love discus, and wish I could have them, but no room for another large tank. Distant future plans would involve repurposing my 80 gallon into a discus tank once my barbs all die off. I love rummy's as well, but I've heard they are much more finicky and sensitive than other tetras.
Tank sounds great.
Thanks for the video. Only seen a few Rummys around here. Nice looking, but in a large school, wow!
Well, the plans for that tank have become quite ambitious, so much so that I considering closing down my 5' reef and only keeping the clam tank with my pair of clowns.
The tank will not be an aquarium, but a paludarium. It will be 4 feet high and 3 feet deep, with 2 feet of water depth. Also the water will only be 2 feet deep, the other foot will be river bank with creepers growing out of it and other tropical plants growing in the 2 feet of emersed tank.
The aquarium part will be populated as above, while the vivarium part will have poison dart frogs. I will see if it's worth considering other inhabitants, such as chameleons or similar animals. Obviously nothing that will be a threat to the fish. 
Still loads of research to do, but LOADS of time to do it 
Hmmmmmm, keep me posted on your research, cuz I'm curious and also love reptiles/amphibians. I don't know that dart frogs and a chameleon would mix well...depends I guess, since the darts have toxic skin and all that. Also, despite it being a tank, you would probably still need a glass top or some such to keep humidity high enough for the darts. But, given the demanding nature of discus and some of the recent stuff I've looked at involving them, I feel like you could be getting into a very high maintenance setup to keep the discus happy. From what I've read, they need very good water to get to proper adult size, and depending on what you do with the emersed section, it could end up leeching a bit of stuff into your water...
I don't know...like you said, LOTS of research and I will be stalking...er following it with interest! lol
jag51186 said:
Hmmmmmm, keep me posted on your research, cuz I'm curious and also love reptiles/amphibians. I don't know that dart frogs and a chameleon would mix well...depends I guess, since the darts have toxic skin and all that. Also, despite it being a tank, you would probably still need a glass top or some such to keep humidity high enough for the darts. But, given the demanding nature of discus and some of the recent stuff I've looked at involving them, I feel like you could be getting into a very high maintenance setup to keep the discus happy. From what I've read, they need very good water to get to proper adult size, and depending on what you do with the emersed section, it could end up leeching a bit of stuff into your water...
I don't know...like you said, LOTS of research and I will be stalking...er following it with interest! lol
Well, the frogs aren't toxic. They are in nature due to their diet, but in captivity the diet is different and they don't produce the toxins.
As for the chamaleons, it was just an idea off the top of my head, I still have to give it more thought (and research :D) but it looks like chamaleons are all african, and I'm looking for a reptile from the amazon to keep in theme.
As for the discus, I already have them, they are currently in my 4' tank. A bit crowded, but still manageable. I had five in there and a pair decided to spawn.
regarding the emersed section, nothing should be leaching to the water, because I'm not planning to put anything there that could leach. The creepers would have their roots in the tank water, while other plants that may be planted further up will have to do with the humidity in the air. Many of them will probably be on the path of the waterfall anyway.

The waterfall (or vertical stream more appropriately) will be from the return pump of the sump and will come in at the top of the whole tank and flow over the emersed part and into the tank. This for several reasons
- It adds to the look of the whole thing
- Will oxygenate the water
- Algae might grow on the path of the water adding some nutrient export
- Will contribute to the humidity of the environment
- The plants that don't have roots in the tank water will be able to access the nutrients in the water adding to nutrient export
As for the tank being closed on the top, yes, that became a necessity the moment I thought of frogs, both for the humidity and to avoid escape.
This sounds amazing!  Good luck with your project and I hope you pull it off.  I cannot wait to see what it ends up like 
Far_King said:
This sounds amazing!  Good luck with your project and I hope you pull it off.  I cannot wait to see what it ends up like 
As I said It's quite a while off, and even if I end up not being able to do it, I will have enjoyed the planning of it :D
But I am determined. As I said I'm even considering closing down my reef instead of upgrading that too.
We'll see. As Lucio Battisti said, "We'll only find out by living" (Somehow doesn't have the same ring in English...)

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