New To Forums, Not To Fishkeeping.


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2015
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Hello everyone,

New here to the whole forum thing, but been a fish keeper a number of years. So don'the worry I am familiar with the Nitrogen cycle and cycling tanks. Doing a fish less cycle on a four foot tank in our showroom at work. (If I had a dollar for every time I have had to answer when we can put fish in the tank.)

At the house I have three tanks running. A four footer, looking for a massive rescape and two twenty gallon highs. I also have a three footer that I am slowly gathering hardware for to act as a home for my breeding pair of Angels. Not looking to actively breed them, but would like to give my poor Corys a break. The stock from the one 20 will go in the four footer. And it will be shutdown.
Add that to the two 10gal. tanks and I am set for hospital/quarantine tanks. I also inherited two broken 10gal. tanks I am tearing down to make an L shaped tank. Just to see if I can do it. Let me say on those smaller tanks they go nuts with the silicone.
Anyway I look forward to meeting everyone and learning more about this wonderful addiction. And just maybe helping others not make some of the mistakes I have made.
PepperjacksMama said:
 The stock from the one 20 will go in the four footer. And it will be shutdown.

I have NEVER been able to shut a tank down. Too busy setting them up in the back bedroom to house babies, hospitalized fish, new fish, etc. And with you already having three running at home, it's only a matter of time before you decide you'll set it back up somewhere else! LOL!
Lol, that's so true.
Welcome to the forums - and show us some pictures of those tanks :)
Doubtful any more tanks will be set back up. Lack of space, and more importantly, a lack of time to tend them properly.
As for pics, maybe after a rescape. The 20s aren't so much scape as filled with leftovers. And the four footer has nothing but swords. My Angels didn'the much care for stems.

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