Spot Sited On Tail Fin Of Neon?


Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2015
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Hey there fish friends,
Tonight, I noticed a little spot on my Neon Tetras tailfin. Water parameters are normal, the tetra is looking fine and acting normal. The others don't appear to have anything like it. I did notice one tetra stratch himself on one of the anubias leaves, but that wasn't the one with the spot. The spot protrudes from the fin, it doesn't appear fuzzy like fungus. He's not clamping his fins, or being lethargic. My girlfriend speculates it might be a piece of algae stuck to his fin? She says she's seen it happen with her betta every now and then. But the tetras like hanging out under the filter output and it hasn't come off. It's on the edge of fin, too. I can't make out what it could be and can't get a good picture becasue these tetras are so spazzy.
Any ideas? :/
I can't quarantine this guy because new cories are currently occupying the tank.

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