A Pleasant Surprise


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2015
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Hi all,
Well for background, we are setting up a four foot tank in our showroom at work. After hearing "when can we put fish in the tank?" until my ears bled while it cycled, the happy day came.
So as I am doing a massive waterchange and general tidy, our Safety Officer pays us a surprise visit. Here I am elbows deep in water with electricity, just waiting to be written up. Not to mention the d.i.y. cabinet.
We'll he looks at the tank, sees no fish and asks if we are cycling the tank. So after picking my jaw up off the floor I find that he is a Salty. Building a Nano Reef, and was busting his buttons about his new Clown in quarantine.
Not only is he a fellow fishkeeper, and wants to see the finished product, but we had the best inspection in the district!
That is awesome! Can't wait to see the finished result as well!
excellent! I'll bet you were worried you were going to get the water and electricity telling off followed by a safety inspection on the weight distribution to the floor etc! I see you are in America, here in the U.K health and safety has gone utterly insane .... to the point of banning children's games in schools in case they hurt themselves. I can't imagine it's much it's much different in America 
THanks hudsona, but as with everyone else, including our District Manager, (which is killing him), you have to wait until it's done.

Hi Akasha, not so much the floor, as it's a concrete slab. But the cabinet itself. We have had this same Safety Officer nix a couple of bucket rack designs because they were not load rated by a structural engineer. Even though you could have parked a lorry on them. As for banning children's games in schools, how did any of us ever survive to adulthood?
Hey Pepperjacks mama - I worry for future generations. When I was a kid we learned to climb trees and that it hurt when you fell out of them. If you didn't want to get hurt you didn't climb trees. We had winners and losers on school sports day. Yes the losers sulked but they learnt that you can't always win - a very important life lesson.
Somehow the majority made it to adulthood ... and with some important life lessons under our belts too lol

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