Curious About Catfish Breed(Intermingle)


Dec 29, 2015
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As ive been told my albino cory is a group fish(min 2) and i have 1 at the moment, so i was wondering when adding another cory(or similar bottom feeder) do they have to be the same cory, or can i get another catfish(cory or similar) and my current cory be able to start a small group? or do i just need to keep my breeds the same for my cory(colored or albino).
Also, for my fish tank. ive posted this before but i finally got my levels down to 0 except for my nitrates. whats a good level for the nitrate in a 20 gal tank, or within any tank size
They are a shoaling fish, and best kept with their same species and as many as possible... I'd say no fewer than 6 is ideal.
6 is the minimum, not two. And I would aim to keep nitrates under 20 if you can.
I agree, about 6 being the minimum. More is always better, but depending on floor space and adult size, 6 may be all.
As for the same species, it's always best. Put 6 people from 6 countries in the same room, and while all people, nothing going to be as comfortable as 6 people from the same neighborhood.
As for Nitrates, below 20ppm is what we aim for, mainly through waterchanges. Mine out of the tap is 20ppm, so I fight to keep mine below 40ppm.
I find my cories do best when I have at least a dozen of a single species. Albino cories are not a species, they are a description. Think of it as different skin colors of the same species. If you know the species of albino that you have it can do fine with more of its own species whether or not the others are albinos.

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