Who Has Left Fish Keeping And Come Back?

Tiger Tiger

Fish Crazy
Dec 7, 2006
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That is me on my way back for the 2nd time and picking up a new tank this week. It seems i get totally fed up with it and then return about 5 years later . I sell up tons of gear cheaply saying 'never again' and yet i do. Apart from the expense ( that's life) the one thing i notice is i seem to value the Molly and the guppy etc where as last time i would not even contemplate them having exotic fish and the odd odd ball!
So i am back but for how long?
Who cares life is like that!
Guilty. Except I left it for much longer, and different reasons. First, I had little money left to deal with it. Then I joined the Army and moved around too much. Now I'm disabled and getting VA disability, and not really going anywhere (except maybe a bigger house). So I have all the time in the world, and none of the moving, and a decent bit of money.

As for length of time, it was closer to 15 years.
I tend to be in it for a couple years then sell it all only to start it back up again a year later. I gotta start just keeping my equipment, because I can't stay away from it for long!
I kept fish many years ago as a child so....probably 30 years? So it's been a long time between stints.
I've definitely caught fish fever again.
Ive kept guppies mollies tetras etc. before just for the kids to look at but ive recently spent some money on a cheap 100L setup and a not so cheap juwel vision 260 setup. Hoping to gain some experience and keep some discus as their breeding habits fascinate me.
Discus are on my list too.  I've got a near 500 litre tank waiting just for that purpose.  Going to move house first then build it in place rather than set it up now and move it later.  Same with a marine set up.  I don't even want to contemplate moving one of those so that will come later too.
RIght here.
Kept fish as a kid/teenager.  Stopped when I went to college, got married, had a kid.  Kid wanted a pet, wife is allergic to almost everything with fur.  FIsh seemed to be the best option.  This foray back into fishkeeping has been far more rewarding and fun than the first ever was... mostly because I'm not a kid, I know a great deal more about the hobby, and have the money and resources to do things that I'm interested in trying.   
Far_King said:
Discus are on my list too. 
Me, three.
About four years ago I bought a 100 Gallon tank off of a guy for some small lizards I was keeping. Never had any hood, lights, or stand for it. But after cleaning it out from the lizard keeping, I noticed there was a tag in the bottom that said glasscages.com (although it's acrylic). So when that VA money came in, I gave them a call and ordered a hood, stand, and canopy and decided I would keep discus and angelfish in there.
It'll take about 3 more weeks for it to come in (they don't build it until it's purchased) but I'll be able to set up the 100-gallon tank when it gets here. Already bought the gravel too. The lights, filter, heaters, etc., will all be here tomorrow from a different company. So by the time the stand, hood, and canopy gets here, I'll have everything but the fish.

I haven't touched the discus lists yet. Going to make sure this thing is JUST PERFECT before I buy the fish.
Good stuff :)
Pictures are required please, before during and after you get the Discus.
I was a big oddball fan and had many a fish or soloo like my large Fahaka puffer and hosts of bass to say just a few. I like also the bright colours of a tank in the front room
I think I must have caught the fish keeping bug, since being a baby. Where we lived there was not television (or at least dedicated childrens television and only 1 possibly 2 channels to choose from) so my mum used to put us babies in front of the fish tank in our little bouncer beds. From there I can pretty much recall having a large fish tank in the house with some huge goldfish (and probably other fish that where destined to be killed or dumped since it was so expensive to bring things in and out by sea). But as a kid I was far more interested in my green tree frogs and knowing that they used the fish tank as a bath to remove the fluff they picked up in their nightly wonderings through the house.
Then we moved interstate and the fishtank was left behind for somebody else, and then I caught my other passion birds. The house my parents ended up buying had a huge aviary with some budgies and canaries and zebra finches already in it. I some how expanded the collection (on a megre $2 a week pocket money for doing house chores) and got fantail pigeons, bantams, king quail and java sparrows. While dreaming about being able to afford Red Cheeked Cordon Bleus and Gold Finches.
We moved again and this time the birds had to find new homes (but we always took our family cat and dog where ever we moved to) and went interstate again. This time I was able to have a fish tank again, and it soon expanded to two tanks.
Fast forward a couple of years and we moved again but this time stayed in the same state and only around 10hr drive away from our current home at the time, so the fish came with me, nursed in my lap in a container that only had cling wrap to stop the water sloshing out.
Eventually while I still had the fish I got a couple of peacface lovebirds, and had to make a choice did I want fish or birds????
I chose the birds and sold up my fish and tanks (by now 3) and purchased my second- but techniqually first aviary because it wasn't pre-existing aviary second hand. It came with a pair of red wing parrots and though beautiful they where not suited to a mixed aviary.
We moved house again but stayed in the same town and my aviary came with me, now with my main love finches and a second aviary was soon on the way.
I finished school and went away for TAFE so all my birds and aviaries had to be sold, since my mum and dad had no intention on taking on that commitment, and  who knew where I would eventually end up town or state wise.
Fast forward a few years again and I ended up buying a small tank for my husband because he fell in love with a particular strain of guppy. That small tank expanded to a slightly bigger tank and then escalated to the current 7 tanks currently in use and a 1000L pond as well as an old bathtub that doubles as another pond. At the sametime as all this I was madly saving to build from scratch another.....aviary.
I think there is an affinity with birds and fish they just seem to go hand in hand and my cats and dogs just except yet another critter somewhere in the house yard. 
Haha, yes! That's exactly what my household is. Three parrots, six fish tanks, and a cat that comes and goes!
2 weeks after starting again i cant decide what fish to have. last time i had the lot in different tanks from all parts of the world but what now will i be content with?. Its only a 3ft tank .It is hard to know what i would be satisfied with as i am not sure the Platy and danios of this world would be enough?
Oh dear  what a to do! :)
*waves vigorously* Ooh, ooh! Me! ME!!!

Always had a 30gal in our house growing up, but college and marriage put an end to the habit for a time. Then I divorced, and apartment dwelling lends itself to small aquariums so I got back into it. I managed to move my overstocked 5gal community cross-country without a loss: a 3gal pickle jar and an air pump overnight, and all 14 fish survived the 4 day journey!

Then I got out of the habit, had my daughter and forgot about fish entirely, until my 6yo won goldfish at the fair. You guessed it, they died the next day. But apparently the bug had bit her, and for the next 18 months she hounded me for "a" fish. So in February we got a betta...
Got a 10 gallon given to me when I was eight. Which grew into multiple tanks.
Lost interest as a teenager, then got back into the hobby a handful of years ago. My how things have changed since the 70's.
Once again multiple tanks, though about half are empty at present, and two have been taken apart completely.

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