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I've found number 6 ... it's looking good

now I just need the parents to spawn again and soon as raising one on it's own is just not ideal
baby is still alive and guess what .... it's now got company!!
I've just seen another baby palmeri tetra swimming around in the plants in the main tank! I've managed to catch it and now it's in with the baby cory away from my angels ... if they'd spotted it it would have gone in one gulp. It only looks about 2 weeks old
That's a Shame akasha.You did all you could
Akasha72 said:
baby is still alive and guess what .... it's now got company!!
I've just seen another baby palmeri tetra swimming around in the plants in the main tank! I've managed to catch it and now it's in with the baby cory away from my angels ... if they'd spotted it it would have gone in one gulp. It only looks about 2 weeks old
Well, then your N. Palmeri are busy spawning quite regularly now.  Congrats!
yes, Eagles they are! I saw a male and female darting in and out of the plants just yesterday so maybe in 2 or 3 weeks time I'll be netting another baby! It would be good if I could see the eggs - that way I could remove the leaves that have eggs on them and let them hatch away from the main tank. It would be nice to raise a decent sized batch instead of one here and one there. 
Akasha72 said:
yes, Eagles they are! I saw a male and female darting in and out of the plants just yesterday so maybe in 2 or 3 weeks time I'll be netting another baby! It would be good if I could see the eggs - that way I could remove the leaves that have eggs on them and let them hatch away from the main tank. It would be nice to raise a decent sized batch instead of one here and one there.
That's nature though.   These fish lay so many eggs so frequently precisely because only a tiny fraction of them will ever reach maturity.  You can look at it as frustrating, or you can look at it as success in having created a microcosm of nature in your very own home.  Personally, in my situation when my pandas were spawning like that and an odd 1, 2 or even 3 fry popped out seemingly out of the blue... I just smiled and was pleased that my tank allowed them to find shelter, food and grow until they were big enough to feel secure coming out more with the others.  They generally hung with the adults (no surprise there) and the adults freely accepted them into their group.  And the other fish left them alone by the time they were out and visible.   I might have suctioned out countless numbers of them when they were just far too small to see during water changes.  Once during a water change I did see one narrowly escape the hose... and the only reason I noticed it was because it was the only thing moving in the opposite direction from the detritus I was sucking out.  Undoubtedly, the detritus was not only a hiding spot for the fry, but also a food source (the microscopic things that actually break down the detritus would be an ideal food source for the fry, I believe).  
my tank is looking a bit over grown at the moment and so there's plenty of hiding places for fry. I've had another good look into the tank amongst the planted areas to see if I can see any more palmeri fry hanging around but I've not found any more. 
My cories seem a little frisky again today so I'm hoping they might be considering spawning again. I'll keep everyone up to date :)
I'm so jealous!! I wish my cories would spawn, maybe someday!
they should be spawning jag if you have a good mix of male and female and they are old enough (over 6 months) I have 5 bronze cories who have never spawned in all the years they've been with me (about 4 years now) this is because I think they are all male.... they are all slender and there isn't a plumper one amongst them so I'm guessing no female.
My new smudge spots are still maybe a bit young and I've not been able to sex them yet although I think there may be 2 females and one male - not a good combination for spawning but they may surprise me. My melini's appear to be one female and 2 males so there's hope there.
My peppered lot are old now and so spawning appears to have halted but I've had lots of youngsters from them over the years. Currently the only one's that have a good mix (3 females and 3 males) and are in full spawning age group is my panda's and so they are the one's plastering the tank with eggs every so often.
I've tried to get them to spawn with a cool water change but it doesn't work. I've also tried seeing if they spawn when the pressure changes but that doesn't always fit. There seems to be nothing I can do to make them spawn, they just do it when they are ready and if you have a mixture of males and females too there's no reason why you shouldn't get eggs :) 
seems like cory play time in my tank tonight. The panda's and smudge spots are playing chase. Hopefully they're gonna get frisky next and give me some more eggs!
I think it must have been the frozen Artemia that got them riled up ... they were darting about and playing chase all night. No eggs this morning though :(
Oh well. Still holding out hope.
My crew we playing tag last evening as well. Sunday was waterchange day and last night was frozen blood worms. Sadly the girls just weren't interested.
well, I've checked my little one's this morning and both are still doing well. The cory looks to have grown very slightly but he's camera shy so I'm not able to share right now. I'm hoping my new sponge filter will be here today (see my other thread on setting up a nursery tank for more detail) and then I can sort this larger compartment out. The water I added to it is really cloudy as there's no air in that side yet so once the new sponge filter arrives I can water change it, add some decor and the filter and set it going. Once I'm ready the cory and the tetra can move in and I'll move their current sponge filter over with them .... that way I've got one cycled sponge filter and one cycling for when I need it.
Now ... I need to consider lights or getting silk plants instead
two pairs of panda cories looking very frisky. There had better be eggs in the morning or I'm gonna be so disappointed 

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