Thinking About ...

well I've just taken this photo of my tank. You can see how empty and bare it looks

I'm actually wondering if I could get away with doubling the harley numbers AND trying some cardinals - maybe just get 3 or 4 to see if they are just expensive angelfish food or if my angels leave them be. They are a good pair, very well behaved with their tank mates and they've never even shown any signs of attempting to eat any of them. Maybe I'm buying into the 'rules' about big fish and little fish and forgetting that one size doesn't fit all????

I am set on upping the harleys Ch4rlie, that much I've decided on. My palmeri's spend their time defending territories in and around the planted sections and I don't see them all that much. You can see from the photo that there's only 2 out of 9 that are in view and it's like that most of the time.
What I don't want to do is over stock. I don't buy into 'rules' about 1 inch of fish per litre or whatever it is. I can tell by eye when a tank is over-stocked but I have been over stocked in the past but now I think I'm under stocked and it's looking sad
Thats a nice looking set up

Are these amazon swords? Looking nice and green and healthy, though they will still grow a bit more.
I don't think it looks that bare tbh, thats the multifaceted way of aquariums, sometimes you see all your fish in one go and go, ooh thats nice, and other times all your fish are behind plants foraging and stuff and tank looks empty

I watch my tanks for 10 minutes and its ever changing in the way it looks full of fish and shrimps and snails etc and yet 10 minutes later its kinda empty
yes, amazon swords in the rear corners and there's an echinodorus ozelot in the middle and then there's other stuff dotted about - crypts, tigar lotus, java fern and anubias (I've got one that's just sent a flower this last week). Tank is stained using red bush tea bags.
I like my set up but I am growing a little bored. It's a feeling that comes and goes
what I'm gonna do is up the harley's in number and then judge it then. If you guys think I can get away with a few cardinals (no more than 9 or 10) aswell I might try adding some and hope my angels don't see food
Every time I get bored, I rescape. I just redid mine again, put my biggest sword smack in the middle and I love it. The fish are always at the front now hanging in the shade.

I'm bad at stocking levels, but I say go with your gut. If all else fails, just add some fast growing stem plants to absorb nitrates for awhile until the filter catches up ;D
I'm hoping a house move will happen this year and at that point I plan to buy a brand new Rio 240 and have a complete new set up. New decor, plants etc. For now I'll carry on with the status quo. 
I can't ever leave mine alone, it seems like every water change I'm moving plants around.
Well, you know what I think: better more fish of fewer species than the other way around. My plan for the 8ft tank is for only 4 species total.
My suggestion is: get more harleys. You like them, you know they thrive in your tank, and a larger shoal will look stunning.
I've had cardinals with my discus, and quite frankly they were a disappointment. My tank wasn't as thickly planted as yours, yet I'd only see half of them at any time, none of them doing much swimming, just hovering in the water.
Rummynoses, on the other hand are active, they school (not simply shoal), and are more or less the same size as cardinals. I would wholeheartedly suggest rummys if you didn't already have a group of rasboras you seem so fond of.
So, my suggestion stands: get 8 or 9 more rasboras. More if you think you can.
You might even decide your hand at breeding them so you can get yourself an endless supply :D
thanks Zante. I see them showing spawning behaviour but I've never seen any fry. The female tips herself upside down under a leaf and the male wraps his tail around her so I know they are attempting breeding. The thing is - with them being a hybrid I'm not sure it's possible for them to reproduce and the fact that I've never seen a fry would suggest it's not possible.
I've just glanced into the tank and the harley's are schooling around in the middle section. More of them would mean I'd see more of this behaviour. Yep - I think the decision is made. I'll have a trip to the lfs next week, they tend to keep some in since I specially asked for them. I think they're popular
Akasha72 said:
if they are zooming around Boshk you can pretty much bet they are considering a spawn. Mine go crazy before a spawning session
wow, thats probably not good haha...........good and bad
So I need to remove the eggs and stick them in a holding pen/container in the same tank they were laid in right otherwise its food to every fish?
I've had angels and Congos for years and years together and never had any issues with fin nipping by the Congos. They are my favorite tetra. Their behavior is fun to watch and they are beautiful fish. They tend to stay in the upper half of the tank. 
Lovely tank Akasha.  I do similar with swords in the corners to hide outlets and heaters and so on :)
Zante said:
You might be right, if they are hybrids they might be sterile, but you still might want to do some research, maybe the fry is just getting gobbled up with so many predators in that tank.

Looks like they're not sterile. A Kiwi managed to get fry on this link
Interesting! I really didn't think it was possible!
boshk said:
if they are zooming around Boshk you can pretty much bet they are considering a spawn. Mine go crazy before a spawning session
wow, thats probably not good haha...........good and bad
So I need to remove the eggs and stick them in a holding pen/container in the same tank they were laid in right otherwise its food to every fish?
That depends on if you want some fry. If you want fry, remove the eggs and allow them to hatch and grow away from the main tank. If your not interested in fry then just allow any eggs to be eaten.
Far_King said:
Lovely tank Akasha.  I do similar with swords in the corners to hide outlets and heaters and so on
Many thanks! And yes, the swords hide the filter inlet and outlets but the downside it food can get trapped in them too
called at the lfs today and I've had to ask for some of the rasbora's to be ordered in. They should be here by Monday so I said I'd call on Thursday - gives them a few days to settle in and gives me a week to set up a Q tank for them. 
I asked about cardinals whilst I was there and they can get them in almost fully grown so less likely to be seen as food by my angels. I've not committed myself to them though. I may see what the larger group of harleys look like first.
I glanced into the tank last night while they were eating and nearly all of my cories were out munching on pellets. Yeah ... Akasha's got a problem, I need to stop buying cories now. I need to set up a 'Cories Anonymous' group
"Hi, my names Akasha and I've got a cory addiction" 
Hi, Akasha.
We don't judge here at C.A., we're all here to support one another.
I got a nice surprise last night at lights on. Seems the Bronze and Albinos were busy yesterday. Eggs all over the glass. The little sneaks showed no courting behavior.

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