Search results

  1. zelandonia

    How many Hikari Bio Gold pellets to feed?

    I get the impression my Bettas would eat the whole package if I put it in there. I only feed 3 pellets twice a day (6 pellets/day in total). Occasionally I fast them for breakfast and I try to give frozen bloodworms once a week. The amount you are feeding them is likely fine IMO. It's very...
  2. zelandonia

    Congrats Kelly!

    Wow Kelly, congratulations!! I can't wait to read your article in bettacrazy's Flare when it arrives! Maybe you could write a case report about silver as a treatment for dropsy. I know that bettas from all over the world would benefit from a second article from you! Keep up the good work! z.
  3. zelandonia

    New little girl

    Your new girl is lovely, gale!! :wub: :wub: I love girls soooo much. I just got 2 more yeserday so now I have 5! She is so pretty and she'll get bigger before you know it! z.
  4. zelandonia


    Hey, you two.....I believe that I actually called the bottom left boy first!!!!! :D z.
  5. zelandonia


    Blond highlights!! Even better!! Regardless, he's a beautiful pleco!! z.
  6. zelandonia


    Your new Royal Pleco is fantastic!! I love the little yellow stripe on all his fins!! :wub: z.
  7. zelandonia

    Little Lady

    So beautiful!! Amazing markings! :drool: z.
  8. zelandonia


    Wow Wuv, They are all so beautiful!! :wub: :wub: I am head over heels for the bottom left guy!! Amazing! z.
  9. zelandonia

    Rescue operation-poor little Puffer. (Cookie)

    I am curious as to how Cookie is doing? Is there any update? Any new pics? I think about him all the time so I hope you don't mind updating us! Thanks! z.
  10. zelandonia

    female betta community problems!!!

    That's too bad the breeding net thing didn't work for you. There is no way a betta could jump out of the kind of net that I have but it is still exposed to the surface. I'm sorry that your bettas can't seem to live together. Maybe they are just a bit more aggressive than usual. I wish I...
  11. zelandonia

    female betta community problems!!!

    Hi GuppyDude, I had some troubles at first introducing my females too. I had one that got her tail badly bitten and I had to put her in isolation for 3 weeks until it grew back. After that I got a breeding/hospital net that you hang off the side of the aquarium. It is a plastic rectangular...
  12. zelandonia

    hard descission

    Hi Wolf, I'm sorry Splash is sick. You know Splash better than anyone and unfortunately only you can say when it is the right time to euthanize. I tend euthanize my sick fish earlier rather than later just because I've learned from experience with fish and other animals that the guilt...
  13. zelandonia

    what was.....

    I had no hobby, I was a hobby-less person. I am so happy to have finally found a hobby!! z.
  14. zelandonia

    New Walmart Employee Would Like Some Help

    You two both deserve a lot of credit!!! Thanks for doing your best to help all those Walmart fish. z.
  15. zelandonia

    hedgehog fish?

    As far as I understand the sonic hedgehog gene is a name of a gene which signals developmental pathways. It was named after the video game but does not actually come from hedgehogs. Many species have it, including humans!! Check this out...
  16. zelandonia

    Does any body still have their first fish?

    Hey, scottminot: Wow, I can't believe those fish are more than 7 years old!! Amazing!! It reminds me of that cocoon movie when everyone tried to get a sample of the pool water that made them young. What do you put in your aquarium water?? Well done! z.
  17. zelandonia

    Does any body still have their first fish?

    I still have two of my first fish- a red wag sword and a glass fish. However, I've only had them for 6 months. The other ones I lost during cycling and an ich outbreak. I probably would have lost the other 2 as well if it weren't for TFF. I still have my first 2 male Bettas as well but I've...
  18. zelandonia

    How to get free tanks

    I got a 15 gallon tank that way!! I almost got another one that way too but when they went down to their basement to look for it, it was gone and they figured they must have already given it away and forgotten. They are usually pretty dirty and need a good clean but they're FREE so you can't...
  19. zelandonia

    WEll thanks alot

    There were other unfriendly and condescending posts made in that thread on page 2 and 3, IMO. However, I don't think the term Newbie should be thrown around as an insult. If it weren't for newbies there would be no TFF and there would be no future expert keepers. Welcome all newbies- this is...
  20. zelandonia


    Hey Franko, Welcome to TFF and welcome back to aquariums!! The fishies will be glad to have you! There is a ton of infomation in this forum and lots of good pinned topics to read. I spent several days just reading all the pinned topics when I first joined learning all about species, cycling...
  21. zelandonia

    Update on Molly - my clamped female

    Molly looks fantastic!!! I sort of think of my CT girl as Qila. Is it ok if you name yours Aurora? BC and I are naming out CT girls after 2 belugas in the Vancouver Aquarium. I will get a pic of Qila as soon as I recharge the batteries in my digital camera! z. Luigi looks great too!
  22. zelandonia

    BYE BYE little fishie

    RIP little Platy! I am so sorry about your loss, Chooklet! It is not normal for her insides to be black but I think that if she had been dead for several hours then this would have been enough time to cause the changes after her death. You did all you could for her and it was amazing that you...
  23. zelandonia

    ATTN: Toronto/GTA members... MEET TIME

    Sorry guys, it looks like I won't be able to make the meet on Saturday. I know this is kind of far away but I'm requesting a GTA TFF meeting #2 in the summer. By then I'll have a reliable car and I can take a day off. Sorry Again. z.
  24. zelandonia

    My 40 gallon

    Oh, well even though it's not a golf ball that did give me a new idea for a theme for a 15 gallon tank I need to clean out and set up!! My almost in-laws are golf fanatics and can give me all sorts of balls, tees, water-hole scoopers etc to put in a water trap tank. z.
  25. zelandonia

    Update on Molly - my clamped female

    Yay, what a relief- I'm so glad she's on the road to recovery. She's lucky to have a mommy who pays such close attention to how she's feeling and who works so hard to make her feel better! I agree with JoKeR, pics would be great!! z.
  26. zelandonia

    My New Babies

    Your boys are beautiful!!! I love bringing home new boys and watching them get settled in! I can barely stand to leave the tank for the first few days I have them! Congrats!! z.
  27. zelandonia

    Aquarium salt for bettas?

    Hi Apache: I started a similar thread a while ago when I was confused about the salt issue. There are lots of different opinions out there so you just have to do as much information gathering as possible. Here is a link to my thread asking about salt. It will give you some opinions as well...
  28. zelandonia

    My 40 gallon

    Is that a golf ball? Can I steal your idea? Your tank looks great! z.
  29. zelandonia

    What I did this weekend

    Do you have an aquarium with a filter? That's always a worry!!!! Your kitty looks very cosy!!! z.
  30. zelandonia

    unofficial Pic of the month (ENDED)

    The pictures are all wonderful!! Where is your picture from, juliethegr8t? It's beautiful! z.
  31. zelandonia

    Is it normal?

    Hi BC, I just thought of something that might help. I used to condition my water with the dose recommended for chlorine. I also used to have some unexplained fish deaths. A while ago I doubled the dose of water conditioner which is supposed to be good for chloramines and chlorines. Since...
  32. zelandonia

    Preparing to say goodbye.....

    I'm so sorry, FM. I really liked the picture of her in her "glory days" when her fins grew back in your good care. The last picture is somewhat shocking and I am sorry for what you must be going through. I wish I could help you with your sadness and help her to pass away peacefully. z.
  33. zelandonia

    ATTN: Toronto/GTA members... MEET TIME

    I think Oakville is closer to me and Bettacrazy too (if she can go that day- not sure). z. Edit: CFC pinned this for us- thanks a lot!!
  34. zelandonia

    need names

    I really like Stacie but you might not want to go with Melena. It has a bit of a different definition in the medical field. Maybe Elisabeth for the CT female because of Queen Elizabeth AND it was Elisabeth83's Bday today. z.
  35. zelandonia

    I found fry! OMG

    So cute!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: z.
  36. zelandonia

    Rescue operation-poor little Puffer. (Cookie)

    Wow, Cookie's looking so much better! I can see he's beginning to look a little feisty (like Martha)!! You guys are doing a fantastic job!! Yay for Cookie! z.
  37. zelandonia

    ATTN: Toronto/GTA members... MEET TIME

    I can make it! z.
  38. zelandonia

    I am a horrible fishy mommy

    That's so sad. I'm sorry for your loss. Try not to blame yourslef because it was an accident and now you have given others the foresight to prevent making a similar mistake. z.
  39. zelandonia

    oohh... new fish, new fish!!!!

    You have the coolest fish!!! :hyper: :clap: z.
  40. zelandonia

    New Important Information

    I'm enjoying seeing all the signatures becoming a little more consistant. I think it looks nice!! :nod: Of course, I have yet to come up with one.... :dunno: z.