My New Babies


Fish Herder
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
xXMrBonesXx and I went to the pet store today and of course.... I was looking at the bettas :rolleyes: So as usual, I got xXMrBonesXx to buy these guys for me :p (I owe him so much money it's unbelievable :blink:)

The first pic isn't that great (he wouldn't hold still) and this is the best pic I could get of him...

This is Cheemo :wub:

and this is Cheeko :wub: I love this color of red! His tail is a bit torn but I can fix that :thumbs:
Your boys are beautiful!!! I love bringing home new boys and watching them get settled in! I can barely stand to leave the tank for the first few days I have them! Congrats!!

is it just the lighting or are they really pinkish like that??!!! they're gorgeous!!! :drool:
Absolutely gorgeous :wub:

It would be nice if they would just stay still for a few seconds so we can take good photos :D
Lovely looking betta's.
Thanks everyone :)

MAM ~ The first betta (Cheemo) looks different from the pic, his body is more of a dark blue/black color, his fins look the same as the pic except the blue on his top fin is lighter. And Cheeko (2nd pic), he pretty much looks the same as he does in his pic :)

Joby ~ No kidding! It took me about 30-45 minutes just to get a good pic of Cheemo, I had no problem with Cheeko cuz he was constantly flaring at the webcam so I got a couple good pictures of him :thumbs:

Carolinesugar ~ Nope, they were the same price ($4.99 Canadian) :D
Cheemo is great! His colors look very interesting. :nod:

Glad to see you can still sucker that boy into buying you things! :lol:

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