Does any body still have their first fish?


Nov 10, 2003
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Colorado USA
The first fish i ever had (2 pleco and 2 black skirt tetras) I got about 3 years ago and I still have them! does any body else have there first fish?
no i don't hav my first fish (lost to beginners mistakes)
but i still have my 4th fish, its a leopard danio it started of in a 2gal coldwater and now its in my 39gal community ive had ti for about a year and a half now.
I got my first fish when I was five, and they were put out into a pond then (carnival goldfish), so nope.
Guppies (what we would call feeder guppies now, but these were very colorful) that I got from my aunt about 35-40 years ago. It would be really cool if I still had some of those fish, generation after generation, but
I still have two of my first fish- a red wag sword and a glass fish. However, I've only had them for 6 months. The other ones I lost during cycling and an ich outbreak. I probably would have lost the other 2 as well if it weren't for TFF. I still have my first 2 male Bettas as well but I've only had them for 3 months. I hate loosing fish and will be very sad when these ones go. I hope they live until they are very old and die peacefully while napping under a plant one day.

Still have my first three fish. Got the three of them about 7 years ago.

Pink kissing gourami.

Silver dollar.

Spotted silver dollar.
Hey, scottminot:

Wow, I can't believe those fish are more than 7 years old!! Amazing!! It reminds me of that cocoon movie when everyone tried to get a sample of the pool water that made them young. What do you put in your aquarium water?? Well done!

Yeah i still have my frist 5 Zebra Danios :lol: .... but i don't count cause i set my tank up a few months ago. :D
I set up my 29 gallon in April, and I still have two of the three Zebra Danios I cycled with...but that was only 8 months ago, so I'm with JDH...I don't think it counts much either. :p

Now when I was like 10, so many many years ago, the first fish I ever got was a betta named Ramses...he lived for a little over 4 years, so that was pretty good. :thumbs: :flex:
Yep I still got mine too!

I set up my tank about a year ago and i've still got, 2 bala sharks, 2 of 3 corries, 2 of 10 tetras, 1 0f 3 guppies and a 1 of 1 pleco! Not a bad track record huh!
my first fish is still with me! a red tail shark (yes i know a bad community fish) it is 4yrs old now! its quite tolerant now of the other fish. it has had to put up with lots of beginner mistakes! amazing really!

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