My 40 gallon


Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2004
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Here are some pictures of my 40 gallon tank, and some fish in it.

The overall tank, i am planning on getting some more plants.


Mr. Angry angelfish.


One of the kuhliloaches.


And here is a picture of a clutch that my blue apple snails have laid.


Thanks for lookin.

great tank+fish.
i also really like that background, it makes the tank look a lot bigger
thank you, and no its not a golf ball lol.. its this thing my girlfriend used to have and it would spin ontop of flowing water, like just sit their. its a ball like size of a tennis ball but rock i guess
Wow you khuli looks alot different than mine I'm surprised he doesn't have the bands on him. Highly cute though ;)
Oh, i forgot to write it. he is a 'black' kuhliloach
i love that kuhli, looks just like my little three :wub: [or fat three now!!]
i love the gravel that you use and the background is awesome where did you get that one?
Spyderdf said:
thank you, and no its not a golf ball lol..
Oh, well even though it's not a golf ball that did give me a new idea for a theme for a 15 gallon tank I need to clean out and set up!! My almost in-laws are golf fanatics and can give me all sorts of balls, tees, water-hole scoopers etc to put in a water trap tank.


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