Preparing to say goodbye.....


Aug 23, 2003
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Toon Town
Have posted about this girl and her problem before, but I think she is almost ready to go. Sad as it is, I wish I could help her, either by curing her (not possible as far as I know) or helping her to pass (also not possible)...anyway, just thought I would post a lifeline of her...except I lost some of the pictures, so there will be a gap where she was the sickest, which is probably a good thing. I have had her for just over a year I believe, Julie might know better...she is actually hers. Makes it extra tough.....but yeah....

Here is the day I got her...


Fins grown back after being at the store....


The beginning of the tumor.....


A little while later....


Just a nice shot of her grumpy face.....


Another pretty. :wub: From June of this year.


So very unfortunately, this is what she looks like today...she is such a fighter, in so many ways....I swear she could kick any boys butt...she made her own bubble nests...she is still happy to see me, even though she is almost unable to function.

Just go girl. :-( Sorry if this is gross for you. :/

Oh that poor babe. She is a beautiful girl and obviously has led a very fulfilling life with you.
im rely sry freshmilk, im sry theres nothing that can be done. u'v provided her a great life and im sure she thanx your for that. its always hard loseing a betta :sad:

I still remeber when u bought her..... :byebye:

I just hope she died as soon as possible so she wont suffer.. :no:
:-( I'm so sorry for her, and for you having to watch this. She lived a better life with you than she would have anywhere else. :wub:
:-( i'm really sorry. she is gorgeous. you took great care of her and she is very lucky to have you as a mom!!! even though she is sick, she still greets you - that's a great comfort to have to know that she appreciate all you've done for her!!!

Oh no. On no no no no no no no. That first pic is excatly what all the females and the one male CT look like that I have in 1 gal holding boxes waiting for their tanks to cycle. No no no NO NO NO!!!! It started on one, and I didn't notice it right away, so due to my carelessness, now all 6 have it. No NO NO!!!!! God no please no. I'm guessing you never found out what it is or how to treat it? Man. Shoot man. I'm sorry. I guess I'm being kinda selfish. I hope you can find something out that will help. I hate it when other people loose their awesome bettas as much as when I loose one of my own.
:-( Freshmike thats so horrible for you and your fish. I wish there was one medicine that could cure every disease out there all in one. I hope she goes quick and without alot of pain. You did your best dude, now she's left in Gods hands. I dont doubt you tried everything for her, you're a good guy.
I'm so sorry, FM. I really liked the picture of her in her "glory days" when her fins grew back in your good care. The last picture is somewhat shocking and I am sorry for what you must be going through. I wish I could help you with your sadness and help her to pass away peacefully.

I don't know what to say. I am sorry she has to go that way. From your post, it is very clear how much you love your fish. I think she is lucky she was with you. And I think she probably knows that too.
Its such a Shame she was a beutiful Fishy, She had the best care she could wish for.

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