Search results

  1. C

    Java Moss

    you can't break actual moss balls up. moss balls are different to java moss. moss balls follow light and move around the tank on their own. they aren't technically a moss, they are a type of algae. (they won't cause algae in the tank, in fact will reduce the likelihood of algae occuring) java...
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    Can A Pregnant Sunset Platty Stay In A Breeding Trap With Just Over 1

    i was in town today so i nipped into wilkos to have a look. 11litre plastic tank is £5.99 :)
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    Mickey Mouse Platy

    thanks guys :) yeah, they are a great fish to watch. think one of mine is pregnant :hyper: yay. lol time to cover up my filter intake i think :lol:
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    Mickey Mouse Platy

    i have some sunset mickey mouse platies. i also have some mickey mouse platies that are orange. does anyone know what this type is called? or are they just called orange mickey mouse platies. sorry if im being thick LOL :lol:
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    Java Moss

    not throw it away, if it gets too much, sell what you don't need :)
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    Looking For A New Betta

    oh no, poor bettas :( i always think it's worse seeing bettas mistreated than other fish. just because they are so intelligent and they learn who their owner is etc etc. have always wanted a betta, but im going to wait until after xmas i think. have a community tank at the mo so couldn't quite...
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    Looking For A New Betta

    if it was me, i'd go for the one from pets at home. 6 weeks - proves that he's nice and strong :) people have bad things to say, but the pets at home near me is actually quite good. (well, except for the fact that when i didnt know better they sold me 2 shubunkins for an 18l hex tank :S)
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    Can A Pregnant Sunset Platty Stay In A Breeding Trap With Just Over 1 filter for £8 - not the best, but it does have great reviews. and if it's just for a small breeding tank, reckon it would be ok :)...
  9. C

    Anyone Used This Sand Before

    i may be wrong but i thought silver sand was just regular sand? if it is, you can get 15kg argos play sand for £2.99 regardless, have seen on here that lots of people use the argos sand :)
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    Plants For My 21L

    i have cambomba growing like wildfire without co2 or anything :) i have just had to prune it since its growing so well
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    Opaline Gouramie - Something Is Really Wrong

    He seems to be doing fine now. I followed your advice on the peas and it seems to have worked. (There wasn't any change in colour or other behaviour. Just the swimming issue.) Thanks for your help :)
  12. C

    A Big Molly

    thats good then :) i would leave her out of the box entirely and not put her in again. at all. leave the box floating in the tank ready for when she drops her fry so you dont have to worry about finding it and sorting it out when the fry appear, it will be ready to just pop the fry in when you...
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    A Big Molly

    did you take her out of the box? :)
  14. C

    Well It Was Really Stupid Of Me......

    oooh, he's an oscar. that's amused me no end hehe
  15. C

    Well It Was Really Stupid Of Me......

    i've heard chops mentioned before. what type of fish is he? sorry, im nosy lol edit: i could go post hunting to find out, but im lazy :crazy: :blush: :shout: hehe
  16. C

    Low Waste Fish ? i would read that link about dwarf gourami first. i was going to get them, but with the disease risk factored in, decided i would go with opaline gouramis instead. it's my first tank and didn't want disease wiping out...
  17. C

    Got My Opaline Gouramis Today :d

    oh no, that sucks :( im worried now, i have guppies and platies. swordtails were meant to be my next addition after some pygmy corys. might have a rethink! :(
  18. C

    Opaline Gouramie - Something Is Really Wrong

    Tank is around 40 us gallons 10 platies 6 guppies 3 opaline gourami I don't test my water, sorry :S I feed them flakes. Twice a day and whatever is uneaten after 2 minutes gets scooped out. Ok, will the others be ok with that too? oops wont feed bloodworm then. Have been doing 30 - 50% water...
  19. C

    Help With Siphoning

    :lol: well, during water changes last night, i tried the ol' suck on the end of the pump trick. stood there thinking, this is easy, im such a pro. not one single mouthful of water, im so awesome. well they do say, pride cometh before a fall. third bucket coming out *cough choke splutter*...
  20. C

    Opaline Gouramie - Something Is Really Wrong

    thanks, will go and get some bloodworm later today
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    Practising Taking Pics

    they look great, darn sight better than any of mine :P i only have a little rubbishy £80 camera though, so that's my excuse ;) and i inherited the dratted family shake also - our family genetics couldn't have been something great like big boobs or prettiness, it had to be the shakes! laaaame...
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    Snail Tried To Dismember My Frog!

    glad to see he's still hanging in there :) x
  23. C

    Opaline Gouramie - Something Is Really Wrong

    Something wrong with opaline gourami - please help He/ she isn't swimming right, there's something wrong. Have done a video to show you. I dont know if this has anything to do with it but this afternoon i found a dead guppy on the bottom of the tank on the gravel. I took it straight out and...
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    What Other Fish Do You Suggest?

    tetras are also schooling fish and prefer to be in groups of 6 or more. otherwise they get stressed as the group gives them safety. the stress can lead to early death x
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    Help With Siphoning

    thanks everyone :) wd that sounds like a great idea, i only have 1 tank tho, so bit extreme for me ;) cheers for the pic om47, looks like i've been doing it right, it just isn't working. maybe i'll have to try the old fashioned suck on the end of the hose to get it back in :sick: lol
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    Whats The Going Rate For Selling Guppy Fry To Lfs ?

    how do you go about asking if they want the fry? i dont know what to say or how to ask lol
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    Is It Only Me

    not really my thing either :/
  28. C

    Got My Opaline Gouramis Today :d

    I finally brought home 3 opaline gouramis :D Have been looking for them for ages, but nowhere ever had them! Saw them in my LFS today and just had to have them :good: They are settling in well!
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    How Heavy Is To Heavy For A 2Nd Floor Flat ?

    i have a 45 gallon in a 2nd floor :)
  30. C

    Something Missing In Tank Need Halp (Pic Included)

    have you thought of a couple of some type of gouramie as your centre fish? :good: i love gouramies, they are my favourite fish :hyper:
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    Babies...... How To Catch Them?

    aw congrats on your new fry :) i can't wait for the first drop from my guppies :D
  32. C

    What Will Eat Guppy Fry?

    thank you, i shall leave it a little longer to get the pygmy cories then :nod: i don't think i should have gotten any livebearers, because i am a reet softy and the thought of letting other fish eat the fry makes me feel sad. but i think calling them fry not babies and the fact that i prolly...
  33. C

    What Will Eat Guppy Fry?

    glad it's not just me lilfishie :D ah, i shall leave the neons for a little while longer then! :nod: 35 surviving fry :o wowza! lol.. have got a lfs that im sure will take some if too many survive, but think i should do ok. hoping for a few of either pearl gourami or kissing gourami. was going...
  34. C

    What Will Eat Guppy Fry?

    great :hey: just the answer i wanted to hear - i didnt want there to be an order to which fish to add and when lol. knew lots ate the fry, didn't know it was all of them :good: cool. the platies eat their own young as well right? just waiting on the platies to come into stock, could get...
  35. C

    What Will Eat Guppy Fry?

    currently my tank only contains guppies (6f 1m) none have dropped fry yet, but they will do before long. the fish i will eventually be adding to the tank are: neon tetra red swordtail sunset mm platy (not available yet, on order from lfs) pitbull plec pygmy cory my qu is, which is the most...
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    Help With Siphoning

    thanks, i'll have a look into buying a pump. i'm only short, my arms ache trying to hold the bucket steady and tip it slowly LOL
  37. C

    Help With Siphoning

    hmm, i've been putting the bucket on top of the tank when trying to siphon back in. it's a gravel cleaner siphon and i use the pump action method. ah well, guess i'll just have to keep pouring it back in lol. thanks for the help everyone
  38. C

    Lets Help Newcomers!

    i like this thread :) nice and lighthearted, it makes a nice change from the mountains of research i've been reading through lol
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    Help With Siphoning

    Hi all, can anyone help I have well and truly got the hang of siphoning water OUT of the tank. Siphoning it back in on the other hand is another matter lol. I can't figure out how to do it. So I am currently pouring the buckets back in slowly (which my guppies don't seem to appreciate!!) can...
  40. C

    Hello All

    hi all i am a new tank owner i have just bought my first set of guppys! looking forward to learning more from this forum