Help With Siphoning


Fish Fanatic
Oct 8, 2010
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Hi all, can anyone help
I have well and truly got the hang of siphoning water OUT of the tank.
Siphoning it back in on the other hand is another matter lol.
I can't figure out how to do it.
So I am currently pouring the buckets back in slowly (which my guppies don't seem to appreciate!!)
can anyone give me any tips?

and yes, i am aware this is a dumb question lol.
If you are using a 'natural' syphon (i.e. sucking on the end of a tube) then this only works because the bucket you are syphoning into is lower than the tank. To do it the other way around the bucket must be higher than the tank which is tricky.

You could getting a pump to syphon the water back in. Personally I just have a bucket of treated water by the tank and use a jug to gently add the water. If you submerge the jug rather than pour it in then it won't bother the fish.
For small water changes (25-30%) I just fill a bucket and do it the hard way. For large water changes I bought some long outdoor garden hoses and string them into the house from outside to fill it up! (treating the tank with de-chlorinator just prior, of course)
My Method.......

I have 2 x 30ltr. carboys which I fill with dechlorinated water at tank temperature. I use a step ladder that has a small platform at the top to place the full carboy on which is then secured with a bungee through the handle. Then it just a simple siphon action to replace the water.
hmm, i've been putting the bucket on top of the tank when trying to siphon back in.
it's a gravel cleaner siphon and i use the pump action method.
ah well, guess i'll just have to keep pouring it back in lol.
thanks for the help everyone
thanks, i'll have a look into buying a pump.
i'm only short, my arms ache trying to hold the bucket steady and tip it slowly LOL
fill a bucket up place it on the tank lid 2 airlines into the water keep filling the bucket up with a jug etc thats one of the ways i do it
just a bucket and a syphon tank cleaner
well not so much me more our lass :wub: with me
been disabled and she is only short but
very strong :lol:

she as to be strong for both of
us :blink:
An interesting story a woman aquarist elsewhere in my state told me about one time was as follows: First, it assumes a pretty big tank needing significant water change size and second, along with that big tank I guess assumes some house space for storage as you'll see. What she got was one of those huge gray trash cans, kind of like a professional janitor would use, complete with a little X-frame on the bottom and four sturdy wheels. It was new, clean plastic, with handles on the side. Then she dropped a powerhead pump down to the bottom with a hose attached. She just rolls it, full of water, up close to the tank, plugs in the pump and lets it fill the fishtank, no straining on her back (but it takes a significant sized spot to store the contraption!)

My way of siphoning water back in is easy. I really like easy solutions. I use the gravel cleaner and the siphon doesn't fall out of the bucket and make a mess.
thanks everyone :)
wd that sounds like a great idea, i only have 1 tank tho, so bit extreme for me ;)
cheers for the pic om47, looks like i've been doing it right, it just isn't working. maybe i'll have to try the old fashioned suck on the end of the hose to get it back in :sick: lol
you soon get the hang of sucking on the pipe without getting a mouth full of water...

I like the idea of the powerhead dropped in the bucket. I have to turn my fiter off anyways when i do a change, so that might be a great idea.

Also, slightly off topic, but when i set my tank up, a little booklet suggested i put the water back into the filter column (i have a built in Juwel filter) - i must say i soon got bored of doing this. Is there any advantage to the filter? or is the idea that i wont give my fish a power shower this way?
thanks everyone :)
wd that sounds like a great idea, i only have 1 tank tho, so bit extreme for me ;)
cheers for the pic om47, looks like i've been doing it right, it just isn't working. maybe i'll have to try the old fashioned suck on the end of the hose to get it back in :sick: lol
:lol: I know, I'd never have room for it in my house either. I just like telling the story, lol.

Timmy_Bee, if they're saying to use the filter as a block for the rush of pouring water in then I'd say don't worry about it. If you keep it well within reason I find most fish actually find it fun to have water poured in. After all, often they are kids and its their only roller-coaster ride. Of course, every situation is different and beginners sometimes need to learn how easily decorations or plants can be disrupted.


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