Low Waste Fish ?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 26, 2010
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Kuhlie loaches are low waste fish and don't grow very big so would i be able to have more ?
e.g. is like 2 kuhli loaches equal to a gourami :p
i have a ten gallon with nothing in it haha
it is matured
i had to get rid of the paradise fish tonight and i want kuhli loaches and i want to know if i could have 5
because i want about 3 other fish e.g. dwarf gouramis?

thanks billy
I thought you agreed to swap your fish the same time you get your new ones as to save the filter. Do you have any household ammonia - pure not scented or foamed? Did you do a fishless cycle cos thats the stuff you need now.

As for stocking in a 10g with khulis and gourami I would do

3 x Pygmy Gourami - different to Dwarf Gourami
6 x Harlequin Rasbora
6 x Khulli Loach

yeh i actually do !!
and pygmy gouramis... much difference to dwarf gouramis at all?
sounds like a good set of fish :)
i will see this weekend if my lfs has any, they will deffiantley hve kuhli loaches :D

Yeah quite a lot different, sparkling gourami are a more latteraly compressed fish with a pointed tail and they are a white colour with lots of blue and purple sparkles all over they are also much more peaceful than dwarf gourami.
im guessing they grow about 3cm
i will see if my lfs sell them and i will check if i can order them in :)
would dwarf gouramis fight? because i don't want to take one back :(

Have you got a dwarf gourami? If so just keep the lone specimen for now let the tank settle in with the khullis and any other fish you want. It was also give the gourami chance to mature a bit so you can determine gender then add an other gourami based on the gender of the current one.

Sorry I thought the tank was empty.

If you do have the dwarf gourami dont get the sparkling as the dwarf will kill any other gourami type in a tank that small.

haha no i dont have one.. i said if i had two i wouldnt want to take on eback because they are fighting.
yeah if the lfs dont know the sexs then i will just buy one or get soemthing different :)
anyway i will only be getting the kuhlis this week.
Right cool

if you dont have the dwarf gourami I would get the pygmy gourami they also go by the name of sparkling gourami


i would read that link about dwarf gourami first.
i was going to get them, but with the disease risk factored in, decided i would go with opaline gouramis instead. it's my first tank and didn't want disease wiping out all my fish... (not that the disease would happen of course, but you know)
what about 2 apistogramma cactuoides?
dwarf cockatoo cichlid
with 6 khuli loaches
How many liters does this tank hold?
erm i think it is 46 litres
well that is what the local pet store said :p
Cool, 46 liters a little small for apistos as they are quite fiesty but if you can find them Laetacaras would work nicely with the khulis and a school of tetras/rasboras. Laetacara Dorsiger is my favorite, they grow to the same size as apistos but they are less aggressive and wont be too cramped in this tank

mmm yeh :)
im now researching them xD
i am goin out tomorrow to get some fish.. just what !!!` :D

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