What Will Eat Guppy Fry?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 8, 2010
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currently my tank only contains guppies (6f 1m)
none have dropped fry yet, but they will do before long.

the fish i will eventually be adding to the tank are:
neon tetra
red swordtail

sunset mm platy (not available yet, on order from lfs)
pitbull plec
pygmy cory

my qu is, which is the most likely to eat guppy fry and therefore the best to add to my tank next?

i don't want to be overrun with fry and so would like natural selection to take care of things (morbid, sorry) :rolleyes:
i have the tank planted, so it will just be survival of the fittest! :good:
great :hey:
just the answer i wanted to hear - i didnt want there to be an order to which fish to add and when lol. knew lots ate the fry, didn't know it was all of them :good:

platies are most like imo but will probably be producing there own too :rolleyes:
cool. the platies eat their own young as well right?
just waiting on the platies to come into stock, could get regular ones, but i really like the sunset mickey mouse ones - im a girl, thats my excuse :lol:
mickey mouse platies are beautiful (also a girl so might be a connection :lol:)

but in my experience neons unless larger size wont eat the fry
Don't bank on your stock levels being kept down by the fry being eaten. I've no idea of the species you're planning on keeping but in our tank we have guppy's, rasboras and a plec. It seems that the guppy's and rasboras will eat the fry as they are being born if they notice it. If they survive the first 5 minutes or so they survive being food. We've not used a breeding box at all but currently have approx 35 fry in the tank from only 2 of the females!!!
glad it's not just me lilfishie :D
ah, i shall leave the neons for a little while longer then! :nod:

Don't bank on your stock levels being kept down by the fry being eaten. I've no idea of the species you're planning on keeping but in our tank we have guppy's, rasboras and a plec. It seems that the guppy's and rasboras will eat the fry as they are being born if they notice it. If they survive the first 5 minutes or so they survive being food. We've not used a breeding box at all but currently have approx 35 fry in the tank from only 2 of the females!!!
35 surviving fry :eek: wowza! lol..
have got a lfs that im sure will take some if too many survive, but think i should do ok.
hoping for a few of either pearl gourami or kissing gourami. was going to wait until i had introduced the smaller of the community fish, but i might just go ahead and add them in the next few weeks instead to help with the guppy population - munch munch :D
i wasn't even going to buy any livebearers, but i was assured it would be ok, natural selection would take care of matters. think i might have been wrong LOL :fun:
I would expect to lose some fry to everything except the pygmy cories on your list. Cories in general are fairly safe with most fry.
I would expect to lose some fry to everything except the pygmy cories on your list. Cories in general are fairly safe with most fry.
thank you, i shall leave it a little longer to get the pygmy cories then :nod:
i don't think i should have gotten any livebearers, because i am a reet softy and the thought of letting other fish eat the fry makes me feel sad.
but i think calling them fry not babies and the fact that i prolly won't even see them before they disappear will make it easier! :-(

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