Looking For A New Betta


Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Bedfordshire UK
my 80l tank is decidedly empty with just 9 neon tetras in it :blush: so im on the lookout for my 3rd betta.

what do you think to these guys?

i have a good MA half an hr away so i'll visit there too, they usually have a nice selection, but they come in and go back out so quickly, its hard to know if they'll have a good selection on the day i go. Guess a phonecall would be in order eh?!

Orrrrr, do i rescue a blue/red veilteil from Pets at home? Its been there for about 6 weeks, looks healthy and strong, is quite feisty, lives with tetras, and i actually got him moved to that tank after being put in a tank with loads of gouramis :rolleyes:
if it was me, i'd go for the one from pets at home.
6 weeks - proves that he's nice and strong :)
people have bad things to say, but the pets at home near me is actually quite good.
(well, except for the fact that when i didnt know better they sold me 2 shubunkins for an 18l hex tank :S)
if it was me, i'd go for the one from pets at home.
6 weeks - proves that he's nice and strong :)
people have bad things to say, but the pets at home near me is actually quite good.
(well, except for the fact that when i didnt know better they sold me 2 shubunkins for an 18l hex tank :S)

oh dear :crazy:

yeah i thought that too, and the fact i had something to do with him staying alive and not being eaten like the other 3 bettas which were on the floor of their tanks, poor things :-(

while i was looking on fleabay i saw these too http://shop.ebay.co.uk/adventurecreatures/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340

is it me or are all their tails in a bad state?
if it was me, i'd go for the one from pets at home.
6 weeks - proves that he's nice and strong :)
people have bad things to say, but the pets at home near me is actually quite good.
(well, except for the fact that when i didnt know better they sold me 2 shubunkins for an 18l hex tank :S)

oh dear :crazy:

yeah i thought that too, and the fact i had something to do with him staying alive and not being eaten like the other 3 bettas which were on the floor of their tanks, poor things :-(

while i was looking on fleabay i saw these too http://shop.ebay.co.uk/adventurecreatures/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340

is it me or are all their tails in a bad state?
oh no, poor bettas :(
i always think it's worse seeing bettas mistreated than other fish. just because they are so intelligent and they learn who their owner is etc etc.
have always wanted a betta, but im going to wait until after xmas i think. have a community tank at the mo so couldn't quite work it. will be getting a nice 5 or 10gallon after xmas for a betta to live beside my bed :D lol

i don't know too much about bettas, still in the research phase, so won't comment on the tails, will wait for someone better to come along :D

edited to say: it's always bad seeing fish in a bad way i get really angry, but the bettas, they get to me more. just wanted to clarify lol
I caved in, i went and got him :hyper:

What do you think?




I caved in, i went and got him :hyper:

What do you think?




Hi fluffycabbage
This Betta is identical to the one I have that is currently unwell ( you commented on it earlier ), its a lovely fish
It turns out as you`ve said above it probably the gouramis hassling it, I had no idea Gouramis did this. You live and learn.
Hi fluffycabbage
This Betta is identical to the one I have that is currently unwell ( you commented on it earlier ), its a lovely fish
It turns out as you`ve said above it probably the gouramis hassling it, I had no idea Gouramis did this. You live and learn.

hiya :) yeah unfortunately when i went to pets at home about 6 weeks ago they'd put in some new bettas in separate tanks, which were full of gouramis. one of them was already dead, one had half its tail missing and was in a state of panic trying to get away from the 50 or so gouramis it had been put in with (wasnt there the day after :sad: ) another was ok, and this guy was in a tank with about 10 gouramis, so he stood a chance. i made a point (as i always do) of pointing out the dead fish, and asked them to move the bettas to appropriate tanks. i stayed there and watched them do it ;) my guy had been in the tank with neons for about 6 weeks, so i knew he was well, and could share a tank with neons, so i got him :wub:
i love it when that happens.
i was raving to one of my friends about how much the colour of my guppies and gouramis have changed and developed.
you could see the eyes glaze and the uninterested looks

i like knowing that im doing something right! lol

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