Well It Was Really Stupid Of Me......


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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Just finished a wc on Chops's tank when I knocked the little pot I defrost brine shrimp etc in, into the water. Trouble is I have short arms and a deep tank, I could see it on the bottom from the side but not as well from the top (its a clear pot) so I lent right over the tank peering down looking for the pot. I noticed the dark looming shadow of Chops appearing under me, I thought nothing of it because my hands were no where near the surface, so I just said "hiya Chops", he stopped, eyes rolled towards me and looked me straight in the eye, then he lunged out of the water and hit me smack in the mouth. Suprisingly it didnt hurt and he didnt actually bite, just scared me half to death. Fishy kisses :sick:
star invest in a set of these.


1 of my best fishkeeping buys ever. having a 2 foot deep tank these are a godsend for reaching the bottom , even at the very back .
:blush: Yup those are brilliant, I do have one :lol:
so naturally you tried to climb into the tank instead of doing the smart thing and using it :crazy: hmmm i think im starting to see where chops gets his "brains" from . monkey see monkey do springs to mind :lol:
:lol: I never said I was smart, just blonde! :p
i've heard chops mentioned before.
what type of fish is he?
sorry, im nosy lol

edit: i could go post hunting to find out, but im lazy :crazy: :blush: :shout: hehe
An Oscar jumped out the tank and hit yo in tha face? LOLz :lol:

Just finished a wc on Chops's tank when I knocked the little pot I defrost brine shrimp etc in, into the water. Trouble is I have short arms and a deep tank, I could see it on the bottom from the side but not as well from the top (its a clear pot) so I lent right over the tank peering down looking for the pot. I noticed the dark looming shadow of Chops appearing under me, I thought nothing of it because my hands were no where near the surface, so I just said "hiya Chops", he stopped, eyes rolled towards me and looked me straight in the eye, then he lunged out of the water and hit me smack in the mouth. Suprisingly it didnt hurt and he didnt actually bite, just scared me half to death. Fishy kisses :sick:
and what would we all do without chops?
Just gone on line and bought a pair of those Tongs -
exectly what I need - Thankyou ! :good:
Just finished a wc on Chops's tank when I knocked the little pot I defrost brine shrimp etc in, into the water. Trouble is I have short arms and a deep tank, I could see it on the bottom from the side but not as well from the top (its a clear pot) so I lent right over the tank peering down looking for the pot. I noticed the dark looming shadow of Chops appearing under me, I thought nothing of it because my hands were no where near the surface, so I just said "hiya Chops", he stopped, eyes rolled towards me and looked me straight in the eye, then he lunged out of the water and hit me smack in the mouth. Suprisingly it didnt hurt and he didnt actually bite, just scared me half to death. Fishy kisses :sick:
and what would we all do without chops?

we would probably all have stake :blink: :lol:

are you going to post some chop shots
Aww Fishy Kisses ! Least you'll know in future to move when you see the dark spot looming below you ! or to use the tongs ! . Which i will defo be purchasing ! i can't reach the bottom of my tank as it's 3 foot deep ! lol
Do you still have your other fish? Seems like mr chop is your #1 he is all you ever talk about any more :) .

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