Plants For My 21L


Fish Gatherer
Mar 14, 2010
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Im setting up a new small tank in the kitchen which currently is cycling and has some plastic plants in, mainly coz I wanted this tank to be very low maintenence and some of you may know the probs I've had with my planted tank.

I have since changed my mind due to the fact I'm worried about the fish cutting themselves and also the high Nitrates in such a small tank.

So what I need is ideas for a very low maintenence type of plant that willsuit my water and won't be fussed with ferts or Co2. I was thinking of Cambomba but I just read it actually needs ferts and Co2. Any ideas?

My PH is about 7.5 and last time I tested my other tank the GH was 8 and KH was 3. I say my "tank" coz I don't know if it'll be different in the other tank?
They need bogwood don't they? Not that that'll be an issue seeing as it's taking FOREVER to cycle. and I seeded it :grr:

Thanks :)
They need bogwood don't they? Not that that'll be an issue seeing as it's taking FOREVER to cycle. and I seeded it :grr:

Thanks :)

Anubias and Java fern need to be tied to something, but this can be something as small as a pebble. Just something to weigh it down, as the roots can't go in the water.

Vallis is a good plant for hard water, and grows well when given decent lighting. You could also have java moss (very easy plant) as a carpet or on stones and wood. Amazon Frogbit is a hardy, attractive floating plant.
My Frogbite in my other tank died. I swear there is something wrong with my water.

Would you call my water hard? I thought GH 8 made it soft (ish)
I have Anubia and java moss in my tanks (Nano and community) tanks and neither is tied to anything. The anubia roots are slightly sunken into the sand and doesn`t go anywhere and the Java moss has been tidied into long strands, tied with cotton at the bottom (like a sheaf of wheat if that makes sense?) and that is also slightly sunken into the sand (no roots but keeps it in a stable position)

Hairgrass is another plant I have and that along with the other 2 plants are doing really well, no ferts or co2
Cabomba definitely doesn't need ferts, co2 or high light. It can be a very fast growing plant so if you try growing it under high light then it grows really fast so needs the additional stuff to allow it to grow (otherwise it can easily die). But in any average tank it's and easy nitrate absorbing plant.

Other easy ones are ludwigia, water wisteria and elodea. (Aswell as the java moss and ferns etc)

Edit: If you want plants to help keep nitrates down then stem plants are definitely your best bet. Moss and ferns are nice but they are by definition slow growers so often do make much of a dent in the levels unless you have huge amounts of them.
i have cambomba growing like wildfire without co2 or anything :)
i have just had to prune it since its growing so well

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