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  1. ox5477

    Where Can I Get A 72 Inch Tank

    Ya, it will work, but if you look at this Chart of Common Tank Sizes, you'll see the smallest 72" tank is the 100G with 19" x 19" as the cross section. So your prob not gonna find this sized tank ready made in a store. If you contact your local glass/acrylic supplier, they can cut and prob...
  2. ox5477

    Lowering Nitrite/nitrate

    well for future.... read the fishless cycling link I sent you and do that for a new tank. It doesnt put fish in the tank to be stressed and is much quicker and easier then doing wc's everyday and drawing out the cycling process to months rather than a few weeks. Make sure you do wc's everyday...
  3. ox5477

    Where Can I Get A 72 Inch Tank

    well thats a very odd shaped tank. Normally, if your getting a six foot tank, its gonna be much wider and taller then that... so your bext bet for something that exact size, is to go to a specialty tank manufacturer to make it for you or buy the glass/acrylic and put it together yourself. Ox...
  4. ox5477

    Do You?

    Its a girl thing usually.... when I was with the X, she named all my fish... I've since got rid of a good portion of them so I only have one fish that is still named, my 12" pleco named "glowurm" (my mom named it after herself... thats her nickname) Ox :good:
  5. ox5477

    Lowering Nitrite/nitrate

    well if you have the opportunity to return your fish you have now... do it. it will make completeling a cycle 100% easier as you dont have to worry about doing wc's to protect the fish. here is the link to a thread that will explain Fishless Cycling to you. If you can't then heres what your...
  6. ox5477

    Bolivian Rams Fighting/ Feeding Help Needed

    This is natural cichlid behavior. Once in a tank/environment for a certain time, they will establish what they feel is "their" territory. If another member of their species or another cichlid species enters that territory, they will defend it. Dwarf species like the rams are very peaceful...
  7. ox5477

    I've Stuck A Cam On The Side Of My Tank

    I get everything loaded... then a "No Server" error.... Ox :unsure:
  8. ox5477

    Nw Cichlid Tank, Ready To Start Putting Things Together

    Your stocking list looks good :good: I agree with the multiple filter approach. Def a good idea... Canisters are prob the best way to go with this kind of tank due to the size and the bioload. I use one FX5, dont get one, they are crap for the price.... and use two HOB filters to suppliment...
  9. ox5477

    The End Of The Beginnings Lol... 32g Reef

    wow, still have the pcs on that? looks really good for only pcs. woulda thought you had a halide... nice and bright Ox :good:
  10. ox5477

    Just Admiring My Fish And Thought I'd Share!

    I personally am not a freshwater angel fan, but I like your rainbows. and the tank looks healthy. Ox :good:
  11. ox5477

    Filthy Water

    def... no need to use powered ones. About the only special kind of trube I would recommend is a python brand vac. This uses an adpater to your faucet to create suction and has a long hose and will empty the water directly down your drain. Also, makes for easy refil. But, for smaller tanks...
  12. ox5477

    Filthy Water

    A gravel vac needs to be plunged into the gravel to suck up the poop. For sand... then you hover over the surface... but to get all the bits out, you need to put the end of the large tube into the gravel. Here is a Movie. The music is quite cheesy but it shows you what I mean. Ox :good:
  13. ox5477

    Making A Hob Fuge

    k, thnks ski Ox :good:
  14. ox5477

    The End Of The Beginnings Lol... 32g Reef

    well a word of advice for your next tank... and I think Ski can attest to this as his first tank with a high style tank... get a normal or breeder style tank... gives much more footprint for rockscaping and more lateral room for fish to swim. The tank as is looks very good though. Not trying...
  15. ox5477


    at most... would only add one of either..... if either species does not pair, then you def don't have enough room for two inidivudals of either species due to territorial could fit them bioload wise but they will not tolerate another individual of their species in a small territory...
  16. ox5477

    Convict Fry

    well the cons should be seperated once they start swimming around on their own. When the parents stop protecting them and shuffling them into a certain space to protect them... they become predators to their next batch of fry.... Do you mean you are gonna get rid of the cons? Well I dont...
  17. ox5477

    Convict Questions

    Yes, forgot to mention... They are prob the most aggressive New world cichlids when breeding.... can easily push around fish twice their size when eggs or fry are present... Ox :good:
  18. ox5477

    Planning For An Oscar

    well for any shoal of dither fish (sd's, bala's, tin foils, clown loaches) I would recommend a shoal of atleast 5-6 individuals. This makes them feel more secure. A sev with the o will prob work as long as they are raised together. A JD even maybe too... but this depends on your dithers...
  19. ox5477

    Convict Fry

    well as the fry grow... they will def start causing some space issues. I would say either get another tank to be just a grow-out tank for when things start to get cramped with the parents... the thing is.... as soon as you remove the babies, the parents will prob spawn right away again... Ox...
  20. ox5477

    Tank Upgrade

    well it really isnt too difficult. A question, your using the tank length but this cant really be used as an ample describer as there many tanks that have the same length and very different volumes. So... what volume do you have now and what will you be upgrading to? Your process seems fine...
  21. ox5477


    Here we go.... found what I was looking for. using quotes from wikipedia (easier then retyping): Where-in these five tests include: In 2001 and 2003, the government assessed these questions and found that joining the EMU would only be beneficial if convergence and flexibility were...
  22. ox5477


    well i wont dispute that... as Im almost 75% english heritage... but still... there are rules to being a part of the EU anf I thought one of them was to use the standardized currency... hmm... I think I'll look back into my college notes. Took a class on the formation and running of the EU...
  23. ox5477


    U guys are part of the EU right? How do they let you get away without Euros. I thought it was standard throughout the EU to use only Euros now? Ox :blink:
  24. ox5477


    Thank you... if only you guys would speak english... haha Ox :lol:
  25. ox5477


    What the hell exactly is a quid? Is the same as a Pound, a Euro? Sorry that this isn't fish related but just always see it and being the ignorant American who doesn't understand what the hell you guys are saying sometimes... just wanted to know exactly what it is. thanks Ox :good:
  26. ox5477

    Lights Too Bright!

    Here are the pics inserted:
  27. ox5477

    Request - Who Was It......

    If it was Emmsy... all of her posts were removed due to the issue that arrose... if you want more info... a mod may be able to fill you in onto more of the details of her being banned from this forum. Ox -_-
  28. ox5477

    Now Thats A Big Tank

    Then they all get ich and you spend 2 hours netting out the dead ones.... haha Ox :lol:
  29. ox5477


    well the neons should shoal no matter what... but maybe if they feel safe enough... they dont need the security that shoaling brings. Adding a ram may help this If you add a single ram then that would be an ace addition as they have as much personality and flair as their biger cichlid cousins...
  30. ox5477


    well if your looking to feed the fish in your sig, guppies could be the way to go. As you prob know... they are super easy to breed and if gut loaded with nutritious food, then they will be excellent treats for your fish. I would still feed an engineered flake/pellets food, but this will add...
  31. ox5477


    well I dont believe they would get aggressive, but Im not expert on them... but any species of cory would be nice to fill up the bottom. By the way.. love the icon... loved the commercial when I first saw it a few yrs back Ox :good:
  32. ox5477

    Are You Ever Actually Happy

    I agree that I always second guess my decisions once my wallet starts getting depeleted. After spending close to $400 dollars yesterday on new T5 lights and two corals... I wonder if I really needed to spend that.... but once the lights come... I'll forget the cost and be happy Ox :good:
  33. ox5477

    Lights Too Bright!

    When you write your post... there are icons right above the text area. The one between the icon with the green plus sign and the letter with the green plus sign is the picture inserting function. If you click this, a prompt box opens asking for the picture link. If you post your pictures on a...
  34. ox5477

    Now Thats A Big Tank

    Im in aggreance that the other dimensions are quite dissapointing. At 11 ft long... I would want atleast 2' x 2' for the other dimensions... maybe even 3' wide... then you could houselarger oddballs or if the money was available, make an amazing recreation of the great barrier reef :D Ox :X
  35. ox5477

    Peters 20,000 Imperial Gallon Pond

    Must be fun cleaning that filter..... I assume the deck lifts off/rolls away? Or do have like an access door to get under the deck? Ox :hyper:
  36. ox5477

    Peters 20,000 Imperial Gallon Pond

    not bad....seen better....haha... j/k its actually quite beautiful... from the look of it, the deck area sort of hangs over one edge of the pond? Very nice Ox :good:
  37. ox5477

    Veggies And Convicts

    like most fish... they are oportunistic eaters.... in the wild... they will eat as much as possible because they dont know when their next meal will be. So... start feeding them on a regular schedule and dont keep feeding them if they look like they are hungry.. they will always look hungry and...
  38. ox5477

    Convict Questions

    males will be generally larger in size and have longer, more pointed dorsal and anal fins. Also, the females will develop an orange belly when mature and able to mate. I would say for maturity to breed... roughly the 6-8 month mark around there... Ox :good:
  39. ox5477

    Nw Cichlid Tank, Ready To Start Putting Things Together

    first off, yes... most of these fish will make short work of any live plants... Second.. with oscars... usually best to keep a single individual or get six and try and get a pair... but to do this... you need a large tank .... ~300G at least. So would stick with the single o and you should be...
  40. ox5477

    80 Gallon Tank

    Jd's max at roughly 8" for a full grown male... I believe GT's are the same while maybe a little bigger (~10"). O's can reach 10-12" for a female and on some occassion upwards of 15" for a male. so they are actually 2/3 to 3/4 the size of an oscar. Cons are usually a good choice, but unless...