Veggies And Convicts


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
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I heard that I should feed my convicts vegetables, should I. And if so which veggies?

I feed 'em frlakes in the morning and late night I feed 'em one of these [beefheart, cichlid delight or brine shrimp]. They love beefheart, I like to feed 'em frozen food. What else can I feed 'em?

I used to think if I fed 'em much then some of it wouldn't get ate, not with convicts though. It all gets eat up pretty fast.
like most fish... they are oportunistic eaters.... in the wild... they will eat as much as possible because they dont know when their next meal will be. So... start feeding them on a regular schedule and dont keep feeding them if they look like they are hungry.. they will always look hungry and will prob eat themselves to the point of bursting. My juve sevs will vacuum up a good portion fo the mysis I dump into my 125G and they will eat so much that their bellies will bulge a little.

Veggies are very good for cichlids. Though they get most of their essential nutrition from engineered pellets.... they can benefit from some veggies. The best and most readily taken I've found are peas. For them to eat them though... you need to blanche the peas and remove the outerskin... they are picky and will only eat the inner seed. This will help with their digestion.

Ox :good:

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