

Moved On
Jul 14, 2008
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hello guys and girls,

id like your input into what fish i should get next as i dont really have any idea....

my tank is a 76ltr which has been up and running for around 3 months.its a little bare plant wise but that will soon change when i receive plants from fishyfeet (thanks again).anyway current stock is......

2 silver molly,
2 red platy,
8 neon tetra,
2 sterbai cory,
2 african dwarf frogs,
2 apple snail.

also got 9 molly fry in a nursing chamber,but they are going asap.

my lfs has suggested a pair of bolivian rams which i like very much.
also what fish will make my tetras shole? as at the moment there doing there own thing.

any help would be awesome.

well the neons should shoal no matter what... but maybe if they feel safe enough... they dont need the security that shoaling brings. Adding a ram may help this

If you add a single ram then that would be an ace addition as they have as much personality and flair as their biger cichlid cousins inside of a much smaller size and a typically less aggressive attitude. I would advise against a pair of rams as during breeding, aggression increases due to the natural instinct of the rams. All cichlids will become very protective of their eggs and fry so anything that comes to close in their opinion will get chased and possibly nipped, and seeing as how your tank is not huge (I would usually go for atleast a 30G for a breeding pair of rams with tankmates)... theres not too much room to run for the others.

Ox :good:
Maybe one ram would be ok, personally I would add to the cory shoal as they like to be in groups of 5+, I would probably go for more neons as well, as a larger groups looks great :)
your stocking is a bit heavy to add more. since i have recently been in the same situation as you ill share what i did. instead of adding more species, i picked up 1 or 2 of things i already have that school. if you follow the basic 1 inch per gallon youre going to be over, and already are, but good filtration will be needed to house more fish. rams would pry poo more than most of your other maybe you could take a few others out to compensate
thanks for the replys :good: ,

really given me something to think about. i defently want to add something thatll make my tetra shoal. and the rams are gorgeous. :drool: :drool:

as far as stocking goes my lfs told me i was only about half way into my stocking limits ? they suggested either 2 rams or 2 dwarf gourami next.

at most... would only add one of either..... if either species does not pair, then you def don't have enough room for two inidivudals of either species due to territorial could fit them bioload wise but they will not tolerate another individual of their species in a small territory such as that.

Ox :good:

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