The End Of The Beginnings Lol... 32g Reef


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2006
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alright alright.. enough with my upgrades... this is it.... i promise (lol that is what I said many times before) but having lugged 30 gallons of water to my new residance... i proved to myself I dont need anythin bigger..... lol... man that was tons of work for one person. Ive got pinched nerves in my shoulders which makes lifting things verry uninviting... and Ikept looking at bigger and bigger tanks... well Im done with that.. im just going to deck outmy 32gallon tank... put a sump on it (eventualy) to keep everything running smothly.

Pics later on today after I get all my livestock in. waiting for my sis to arive to help me move the rest of my belongings so I can take my time on my tank.

stats are as follows...

29g aga aquarium 30x12x16
wroght Iron stand (temporary till I build my own)
Lighting (130 watt Power Compact coralife Aqualight 2x65) (8 hrs daylight/ 10 hrs antic)
Salt mix (oceanic)
Water (R/0 Unit coral life Pure Flow 2 24 gpd)
30LBS caribsea Argonite sugar fine sand
CPR 13" refugium ( water pump rated 295 gph but it dosnt pump that out of the sump.. feels more like 60gph comming out) chemical filtration in here.. purgien and sea-gel
Cheto in refugium (light 13watt power compact reverse day)
1 Korilla 1 (400gph though dosent act like it because of they way it disperses the water so broadly)
1 Rio 600 (200gph)
1 Hydor 150watt heater

water perameters (those that I test for)( api liquit test kits)
(used 70% old water and 30% new water)
Sg 1.025
Temp 80
amm 0
nitri 0
nitra 0
calcium 480
phos 0
dKh 10
pH 8.2 (yeah got it back to par)


Bi Color blenny (though i think I would like to replace him with something a little smaller and more open swimming. going to trade with my lfs)
2 clowns (ocellaris)
1 yellow tailed damsel

1 skunk cleaner shrimp
1 pepermint shrimp
11 astrea snails
6 blue legged hermits
7 scarlet reef red hermits

Lobo brain.. blue/ purple
Red mushrooms (7 individuals) between 2 rocks)
3 Green zoanthoids
1 red sea pulsing zenia
1 fuzzy mushroom rock (3 individuals on rock)
1 pink tiped frogspon
2 encrusted gogronian(spelling?)

matinance will be test biweekly water change 10% weekly as I can start it off on a good foot and keep it there.
Feeding every other day frozen variety of.. baby brine shrim, mysis, krill, plankton and flake.

future sump so far planned... diy

20g, protein skimmer, Eheim 1250 return pump.. 2 1" drains (soft tubing) 1 return, no refugium as I ahve one already.. just to house equipment chemical filtratoin and increase water volume.

here we go..... again..... :good: :blush: :lol: :nod:
C'mon wheres the pics...... :snap:
Welcome to the stress factory
alright alright ..still waiting for sis to show.... but here is my tank... bare bones ready to be transfered with all the refugium stuff in the display, and corals seperated from the main LR (just fed fishies.. just to hold them over as the drive is only 10 minutes from my current residance... thought I would polute the old water instead of my new water lol.. hence they are at the top it should be about 3 or so hours before I do the switch over as Ineed to get the rest of my place out first.
but here is something to hold you all over :=)
Ah! I see you have a lot of work still ahead of you partner. Dont envy you, I know how time consuming mine was at the begining.
Best of luck, I'll be checking in from time to time to see the progression, I love to peruse these journals, you can pick up so many ideas and information.
alright all my stuff is moved into the house (still in boxes) and my tank has everything back in.. not aquascaped and still cloudy.. it was still cloudy from monday when I put in the sand....bit confused.... I rinsed the sand but the water is still murkey.. so I added some particulate water clarifier.. so it isnt bound to clear up for another day... so the pics are not verry exciting but I took some anyways...

my lights are 3 pronged and the house is old so it only has 2 prong outlets... so will need to get an extension chord from the store... will do that tomarrow after work. other than that.. everything went well all corals and fish look great. anyways... here are the more so boring pics...



I will add more once I get my lights and clarity issues settled.. literaly
Cool, you'll be surprised how quick that stuff settles if you get some foam filtration in there somewheres
agreed... I put some in the intake box in the refugium.. hoping by after work tomarrow it will be cleared enough to aquascape and take some decent pictures with the lights.
gurr... my books just fell on my keyboard erasing my post gurr. so lets try this again.

I aquascaped and let it clear it dosent look like I have 35 lbs of rock but I do ( some of it is hiding in my hob refugium) my lighting is a bit getto... but that will be soon remodied. thanks to all your advice. Im going with the 150 viper clamp on (as I cant put anything on the ceiling to hang a pendent. hopefully it will arrive early next week. my bicolor blenny has gone on a strike against my camera... so hopefully he will come out soon. anyways enough talk.... pics as I promised.... nothing to much to look at... yet.. it will always be a work in progress!
:D cute. I like it!! :nod:

I'm considering doing a channel like rock formation too so it's nice to see what it looks like in another tank :)

What are you putting on the back?
well a word of advice for your next tank... and I think Ski can attest to this as his first tank with a high style tank... get a normal or breeder style tank... gives much more footprint for rockscaping and more lateral room for fish to swim.

The tank as is looks very good though. Not trying to cut it down :blush: . Excited to follow your progress

Ox :good:
I actually may have a source on a free new 40g breeder... though I just set this one up and love the ooks of it. I also have access to a 30g breeder... lol but I really like this one... I know it would be esier to flow the water and the lighting would be more efficient.... so I am still debating. the only problem would be finding a stand that didnt cost an arm and a leg.... it would also mean I would need more live rock... which this switch I just did it was a plain demensions switch (for future drilling) and I completely agree with you on the breeders being a better choice :=)

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