Convict Fry


New Member
Jun 30, 2008
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I have 2 convicts and they have fry. They are about a week or two old.

I am reluctant to seperate them from the main tank as I dont want 50 mature convicts.

Someone told me to just leave them in the main tank and let nature take its course. They said only 2 or 3 will make it to maturity and the rest will die or be eaten.

I would be ok with 2 or 3 fish but I need to know whether I need to feed the fry any specific food or will they get their food from the scraps bottom of the tank?
Also IfI have to feed them, how do I get the food to them without the other fish nicking it.

Your help and advice is very much appreciated.
well if u wanna try and make some profit from it, some lfs's will buy your fry... but alot of shops are uninterested in cons as they are easy to breed.

May I ask too, what else is in the tank with them?

Ox :good:
I think I'm gonna have a problem with mine, I have the 2 adults + fry in a 29 gallon, I plan to take the fry to a fish store. But my problem is what am I gonna do when the adults get full grown, they get big...well big for a 29 gal. Two full grown convicts + fry, you know they'll breed. Will a 29 gallon be enough to handle them? There still young so I'd like to know, If it's gonna be a problem I can take 'em to a LFS.
well as the fry grow... they will def start causing some space issues. I would say either get another tank to be just a grow-out tank for when things start to get cramped with the parents... the thing is.... as soon as you remove the babies, the parents will prob spawn right away again...

Ox :good:
When should I seperate the fry from the parents?

I don't know about this, could I just use the cycled water minus the cons and use it for other fish? I'm thinking of getting rid of my convicts.
well the cons should be seperated once they start swimming around on their own. When the parents stop protecting them and shuffling them into a certain space to protect them... they become predators to their next batch of fry....

Do you mean you are gonna get rid of the cons? Well I dont think you jump so quickly. There are some new things here that your being exposed to but once you get in the routine, things won't be bad at all. Just takes a minor learning and adjustment curve.

But, if you do really want to replace the cons, then yes, as long as the filter is cycled, you can take them to your lfs and buy new fish and put them right in. Nothing else needs to be done.

Ox :good:
well if u wanna try and make some profit from it, some lfs's will buy your fry... but alot of shops are uninterested in cons as they are easy to breed.

May I ask too, what else is in the tank with them?

Ox :good:

It is a 250 litre tank with plenty of cover and features for them to hide in.
Also in there is:

2 Firemouths (2 inches)
1 Shark catfish
1 Red tail Shark (2 inches)
2 Malawi Cichlids (2.5 inches)
2 Convicts (parents)
5 Tiger Barbs

& everyone gets on just fine.

I have spoken to my local tropical fish shop and he says that he will take them.

Any advice on feeding the fry?

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