Lights Too Bright!


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Ive just set up my brand spanking new Hagen/Fluval Roma 200L tank.
It looks ACE!
But in the evening when the living room lights are low (I like just having lamps on, more atmospheric/romantic!) )the fluorescent glow from the tank is a bit too bright.

Its there any way I can reduce the light they give off or change bulbs or something so that I can still see into the tank without blinding the room?!
It is set up with 2 bulbs, one T5 and one T8, which are connected together in a series circut which cuts out if I remove one bulb (tried doing that 1st to reduce the glare).

Thanks in advance
PS how do I attach/paste a picture? I wanted to paste in the photo I took but I cant work out how to do it!
When you write your post... there are icons right above the text area. The one between the icon with the green plus sign and the letter with the green plus sign is the picture inserting function. If you click this, a prompt box opens asking for the picture link. If you post your pictures on a photohosting site such as, then you can direct link to the picture using this icon.

For the lights... you could try attaching some fine screen to the bottom of the light to filter some of the light, or maybe even a layer of tinted plastic to help.

Ox :good:
You could use a beauty tube. It has a mellower colour and to my eye seems about half as bright as my similar sized grow tube in my other tank. As it happens it doesn't seem to have a major negative effect on plant grow either... admittedly I'm only growing low light plants like Anubius and Ferns with it.
Thanks for the tip - I didnt realise I couldnt paste them straight in
Here is a photo of the tank in daylight & in the evening in case you're interested!
You can also see the old 30L tank Im replacing - its a BIG jump!!!
All very exciting.

I might try one of these beauty tubes, although it is a worry that when I add plants they wont get enough light.
Its a shame there isnt a dimming switch on the lights, I dont suppose I could add one either could I (for "I" read my rather electrically minded husband!)? Can you dim fluorescent lights?? I guess not.


Humm, not sure those pictures worked - how about this:
Here are the pics inserted:


Oh cool, thanks!
Not sure why that didnt work for me, Il try harder next time!

Just wondering what people think about necessary lighting levels - You can see that my living room is really quite bright during the day. Do you think I can get away with using less bright lights once I plant the aquarium (I saw that the beauty light is suggested for low light level plants) or do they definitely need very bright lights whatever their daylight levels?

Also Ive seen these things

- does anyone know if they would give me enough light to see the fish by at night, and if there's anything similar with white light / more than one bubble outlet??

Many thanks

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