Convict Questions


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
Niagara Falls, New York
I was given a bunch of convict babies. I have already rehomed quite a few of them. I dont know how old they are as they are from a few different hatches. My questions are how do I tell which are males and females? And How big or old do they have to be before they breed?

Thank you for your help
males will be generally larger in size and have longer, more pointed dorsal and anal fins. Also, the females will develop an orange belly when mature and able to mate. I would say for maturity to breed... roughly the 6-8 month mark around there...

Ox :good:
I agree mine were around 6-8 months when they bred.

FYI you'll want to remove every other fish except the two convicts from the tank before breeding them, because they get really aggressive.
I agree mine were around 6-8 months when they bred.

FYI you'll want to remove every other fish except the two convicts from the tank before breeding them, because they get really aggressive.

Yes, forgot to mention... They are prob the most aggressive New world cichlids when breeding.... can easily push around fish twice their size when eggs or fry are present...

Ox :good:
I will remove my loaches as soon as i can catch them LOL. I tried for about an hour and couldnt catch them thats why they are still in there. I dont think any of the convicts i was given are big enough to breed.

Thank You for your help

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