Making A Hob Fuge


Wet pets make the best Pets
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Rochester, New York
Ok, so I had something sort of like this on my original 30G reef before I upgraded to the 55G. I just had a simple "Dark" fuge with a little sand a small piece of rock. Nothing too muh came of it but I did get quite a few sponge and filter feeders to grow in it. I wanna try to do something like this again for the 55 but mod it to put a light to have chaeto or other macro to help control phosphates better than my phos-x is. Would a small led light be enough to sustain the chaeto or would I need more than this?


Ox ;)
Havent got a clue of what you're talking about, but your previous "Avitar" looked a lot more mature & demanding than this mediocre attempt..... I would've felt more obliged to look it up for you with your ex...........
Usually the flourescent "floodlights" from HD or lowes work well for this purpose :). They're the twisty compact flourescents that replace incandescents, except the floodlight ones come with internal reflectors, making your life easeir :)

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