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  1. M

    Clown Gobies Won't Eat!

    Try feeding brine shrimp soaked in garlic juice. That's what i did and it worked for me back then. I used a product made by KENT called Garlic Xtreme. Hope that helps. Goodluck!!!!!!
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    Stocking A Fiji 90 Gallon Tank

    Please don't put Clownfishes, Chromis or Mandarin Dragonets with a Lionfish. They will all get eaten. I used to feed dead clowns and dead damsels to the lionfishes at our warehouse. As for the fishes.... It's pretty hard to try to buy fish from a certain area, when many of them come from more...
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    Quarantine Tank

    Well all i can say is that i have only lost one fish since using a QT.
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    Two Dead Fish In Two Days

    You really need to test the ph when the light are off to know if your ph is dropping lower then 7.9 at night. Now your temperature is pretty high. Does it stay like that at night too?? Huge temperature swings can also cause death. If both fish died at night then I would say that it's one or...
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    Just a thought. It is also possible that you had a PH crash overnight or maybe the temperature drop way to low overnight. Just because you found them all dead in the morning kinda gets me thinking that those might have been the cause. I've had a problem with my heater before and found 2 of my...
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    Nix's 20 Gallon Nano

    I believe those little pieces are to be placed at the top of your refugium so you can place a mini light on top of those pieces.
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    If It Was You Stocking My Tank...

    With Dwarf Angels it's really a 50/50 chance with them nipping at corals. I have had a Coral beauty that never nipped at any corals. A Bi-color angel that didn't also. And a Flame angel that did. I have a six-line wrasse that's 2.5 inches and very fat and he's not a bully at all. Just once...
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    My First Shipment Of Fish

    Thats sux Were they tank raised clowns?? Because wild caught clowns are harder to keep. Oh yea they usually ship fish that get stressed easily in the tinted bag 8)
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    If It Was You Stocking My Tank...

    Like Lynden said. Not peaceful at all. You read up on them here.;articleid=1851. Not a good choice for a reef tank.
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    My Cleaner Shrimp Is Pregnant

    Am i missing something?? I thought "cedyced" wanted to know about cleaner shrimps??? You can't compare a sexy shrimp to a cleaner shrimp. That's like comparing a Dwarf angel fish to a Angel fish or a Fairy wrasse to a Red coris wrasse.
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    My Cleaner Shrimp Is Pregnant

    It's very hard to raise the shrimp fry. 1. One main reason it's very difficult is the long larval period. 2. Parent Shrimp eat their own babies. 3. It takes a long time of about 4 months to get them to settle and it only takes 1 day to screw it up with improper feeding habits, water...
  12. M

    Miss Wiggle And Big Ian's First Marine Tank!

    Good choice :good: :good: purple firefish are very nice. Do you have a lid on the tank??? They may jump.....
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    If It Was You Stocking My Tank...

    List looks good but don't go with a cleaner wrasse. They don't survive very well in a contained aquarium. IMO the cleaner wrasse is one fish that needs to be left in the ocean. And a tang should not be put in that tank nevermind two.
  14. M

    If It Was You Stocking My Tank...

    Here's my list. They are all very hardy fish. A pair of Ocellaris Clownfish Coral Beauty Six-line Wrasse Yellow watchman with a pistol shrimp 3 Blue Green Chromis I like to see lots of different colors in my tank. @Miss Wiggle Yea i really like the Blue Cheek Gobies too but i wouldn't...
  15. M

    Miss Wiggle And Big Ian's First Marine Tank!

    Looking good Miss Wiggle And Big Ian :good:
  16. M

    Live Sand Or Ls

    The 'live sand' that is bagged and sold - only contains the bacteria - and not critters. Adding live sand from a established tank will add critters.
  17. M

    Future Wish List

    Like the other said..... Moorish Idol (lush) - No Picasso or Clown triggerfish (fish that thinks it's a dog)? - No and No Powder Blue Tang - No Green Mandarin fish - Ok but needs a well-established tank unless feeding on frozen Yellow Longnose butterfly Fish - No Flame Angel Fish - Yes Black...
  18. M


    Is your liverock uncured or cured? If it is uncured liverock then what happens with uncured LR is alot of the living critters die in transport to your aquarium now they are rotting which is feeding the good bacteria in your tank all in all just be patient the whole process usually takes about a...
  19. M

    What Is This?

    Trust me get those rocks out!!!!!!!!!! Lava rock has been suspected of "leaching" harmful substances into the water coloumn. Lava rock is a algae magnet as well. I advise NOT to use it in a saltwater setup.
  20. M

    What Is This?

    your using lava rock for your marine tank???????????
  21. M

    Miss Wiggle And Big Ian's First Marine Tank!

    wow this is a very long thread. hope everything is going well for you two. would love to see some updated :drool: pics :drool: pics :drool: pics :drool:
  22. M

    New Red Tooth Trigger, Likes Rocks, Alot

    Yes it's normal. Just give it some time to adjust to it's new surroundings.
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    The only problem with him getting some peppermint shrimps is that he has a blue throat trigger which may eat them. Just use sothoth's method and keep trying with Joe's juice.
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    Yellow Watchman Goby

    They hide a lot and also make a loud POP sound. Very cool though.
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    Puffers With Ich

    Your tank might be too crowded, which caused the dogface to get ich. Dogface puffers are very shy and like to hide a lot if placed in a aquarium with not much hiding spots they will get ich a lot. How big is your tank?
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    Yellow Watchman Goby

    yes they are reef safe.
  27. M

    The Newly Released Goby

    is he going in the same tank as 1 Huma Huma Triggerfish (my baby) 1 Dogface Puffer 2 Valentini Puffers 1 Spotted Puffer 1 Arc Eyed Hawkfish???
  28. M

    Oh No!

    Try to only buy tank raised clowns as they survive better then WC clowns. Garlic juice added to there food is a good choice but giving them a fresh water dip once a week for 5 mins will help even better. And if you only got fish in your tank with no corals, keep the salinity at 1.018-1.021.
  29. M

    Lowering Nitrate

    Well a nitrate reading of 3.0 is very good. I would start to worry at around 40ppm. What test kit are you using to get a reading of 3.0ppm?
  30. M

    Flower Pot Coral

    Try placing it lower and feeding it phytoplankton once a week. I have one thats been in my tank for 8 months now and i have it buried in the sand. It's still very healthy and expands 5-8inches but the color did change a little.
  31. M

    Seahorses For Beginner?

    Got to agree with SeahorseWhisperer here. SH's are actually pretty easy to keep especially the tank raised one's. Well living in North America here we are not allowed to import WC SH's anymore. I work at a Marine warehouse and i never really see a dead SH in the 100+ SH tank. Trust me the...
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    Nitrate Filters

    Hey N1z So you already bought and hooked up the D&D Sulphur Denitrator??? How is it working for you and was it easy to set-up??? Did you gravity feed from the main aquarium or bypassed the sumps pump?? I was gonna get a Aquatic Midwest but if this one works good then i might get it.
  33. M

    Miss Wiggle And Big Ian's First Marine Tank!

    Do you have something against me??? Your always posting all these remarks against my comments..... BTW They were at 70ppm and not 40ppm thats what you asked in another thread about hermit crabs surviving high nitrate LOL. Well in generally i was just trying to tell them nothing should've been...
  34. M

    Miss Wiggle And Big Ian's First Marine Tank!

    Well i'm surprised no one told you that it's not a good idea right now to get any invertebrates because of your high nitrates. Fish may tolerate it but not invertebrates. Your shrimps, hermit crabs and whatever else you put in will surely die.
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    Miss Wiggle And Big Ian's First Marine Tank!

    Hey Miss Wiggle & BigIan I currently have the same problems as you. Before i did a massive water change i was getting a reading of 40ppm nitrate and after the water change it was still at 40ppm. I thought it was the test kit being a little old, so i went and bought a new one. Still same...
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    Compatibility Question

    Yes i'm sure. I don't use that site. Mainly because that site is a selling site i like using research type sites. I find this to be the best site available
  37. M

    Compatibility Question

    I didn't copy from that site. I find that site a little misleading at times.
  38. M

    Compatibility Question

    The foxface is in the rabbitfish family. I wouldn't add this fish in 50g at all. some info The Foxface Rabbitfish, also known as the Foxface Lo, has a very unique body color. It has a mottled yellow-brown body with a dark chest. The face is very light in color and speckled on the lower half...
  39. M

    Triggers And Clowns?

    Well my 6" bluethroat doesn't even bother my 1" clownfish but he hates all the gobies. He killed a six spotted goby and a diamond-back goby already. I also got a yellow watchman goby. He only stays near his cave with a pistol shrimp. The trigger will try to get him from time but he just darts...
  40. M

    Banner Fish

    They are reef safe. Latin Name - Heniochus acuminatus Common Name - Black and White Heniochus Also known as - Longfin Bannerfish, Heniochus Butterfly This is one of the more durable of the butterflyfish species, and one of a few butterflies that are generally reef safe. It is a very...