What Is This?


New Member
Nov 15, 2006
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I have no idea what this is...it is VERY active (seems to be enjoying the space), water is VERY new (6 days new).
Can anyone help????


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Thank you, just goggled it and yes that's what it is.

Do you think it well survive in my new water???
Hehe...me too!

Bit useless at moment actally. Well done on identifying it though.
Lava rock is quite suitable for marine tanks... the entire Hawaiian islands (and the base of the vast reefs found there) are volcanic in origin.

About the Bristleworm, don't worry about him surviving, they can survive nuclear attacks. :lol:
By the way, don't touch him. :crazy:

Lava rock is quite suitable for marine tanks... the entire Hawaiian islands (and the base of the vast reefs found there) are volcanic in origin.

About the Bristleworm, don't worry about him surviving, they can survive nuclear attacks. :lol:
By the way, don't touch him. :crazy:


I agree the bristles on his body will get stuck on your hand and it will um

Just FYI, That is "lava rock" but in no way did it even remotely come from a volcano in all probability, in the US its made synthetically (and since it looks exactly the same as the stuff that I've seen in photos from the UK its a safew bet that its the same there) and generally impregnated with things that you do not want to have in your saltwater tank, things like pesticides and herbicides and heavy metal dies.
Just FYI, That is "lava rock" but in no way did it even remotely come from a volcano in all probability, in the US its made synthetically (and since it looks exactly the same as the stuff that I've seen in photos from the UK its a safew bet that its the same there) and generally impregnated with things that you do not want to have in your saltwater tank, things like pesticides and herbicides and heavy metal dies.

Yikes, I didn't know that... sorry MoonTang... :crazy:

Thanx for the tips on the bristle worm, we've had to empty our tank once and the LR was stored at our local marine dealer the bristle worm hitched a ride back from there, he loves the lava rock!

With regards to the lava rock I was told that if I put LR beside it that it will too become LR. Also when I bought it I was assured it was not synthetic...is that not correct? I have green alge growing on the lava rock (not much else), am I right to say that green alge is good for the fish to eat???

Need all your tips and advice!!!
Trust me get those rocks out!!!!!!!!!!

Lava rock has been suspected of "leaching" harmful substances into the water coloumn. Lava rock is a algae magnet as well. I advise NOT to use it in a saltwater setup.
If you use Base Rock AKA Dead L.R (not sure if that makes sense). But yeah, If you put the L.R with the Base Rock the L.R will seed it and it will become alive again...Zombie Rock :fun:

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