Nix's 20 Gallon Nano


Fish Addict
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Michigan, US
So its begins...

I picked up my 20gallon today with power compact lighting for 70 dollars from a buddy of mine.

The Tanks dimensions are 24 long 12 wide, and 16 high

Heres some pictures:





Yesterday I also ordered my skimmer/Refug off eBay


Looking good?

Oh, and my friend has a RO unit that hes allowing me to get my water from. :)
Yeah thats remarkably blue for PC lighting. Looks great :)
My skimmer/Refuge came!

Took me a minute to get it together, but here she is.


Heres the power head it came with:


The Box:


Close up of the skimmer, does it look o.k?


Free Stuff!



Should I be careful about that food? lol

And last and least, I have a question. I cannot figure out what these two little pieces are for, they came packaged inside the skimmer and I cannot figure out where they go (No directions)


Both together

randompiece2.jpg's always great to see a new diary start up. Have fun and TAKE YOUR TIME. SH
I believe those little pieces are to be placed at the top of your refugium so you can place a mini light on top of those pieces.
O.K, So now that I've bought most of my supplies, I need to start thinking about stocking options.

My plan, two clowns, (tank bred percs hopefully) a goby/blenny of some kind.

Cleaners I want 5 blue legged Hermits, and 5 Red, (bad idea?) Should I get just blue?

10 snails?

Sea star? Any ideas?

I wanna have as much diversity as possible (minus the fact I have two clowns..)

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnny other suggestions will be a welcomed site, even if its completely different from what I am talking about.
O.k, I've got the tank situated where it's going and on its stand. I put most of the equipment on and put the first bit of dead sand in, roughly 1.5 inches. The rest will be filled in with live sand, and more dead if needed. Heres some pictures.........





Are you planning on adding a background or painting the back glass or are you leaving the fuge etc. visible?

Looking good though :good:
I am probably going to buy a blue background...or does black look better? Hm....I think black. Won't be a problem as I can easily see in the fuge from the sides. Tomorrow I get my RO water :D
I have a blue background on my SW tank but my FW tank in the same room has a black background. I think the black looks more clean and if you have good lighting may show up your corals better if you're getting any.

Why not buy the plastic background with blue one side and black on the other :good: you can decide which you like best then and maybe then paint it if you wanted to
Ya I have the blue, then black, I like the blue better in my FW tanks, maybe because I have blue gravel :shifty: not sure but I'v seen a lot of blue and black on SW tanks, it seems it's the persons opinion.

About the blue/red leg hermits, I'm not sure, when I was talking to a SW guy at a lfs he said they sometimes fight and you want one for every 5 gallons don't know if this is right but he used to work at Aquarium Adventure and has his own SW tanks so he's got to be some what knowledgable.

Looks really nice, looking forward to seeing some progress. :good:

And does anyone know if a lawnmower blenny would be a good idea in a tank this size?

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