Oh No!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2006
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last night i was looking at my tank and i saw that one of my Perc's had white spots all over her.. she was still swimming, and doing her normal stuff! but this morning i went to see how she was doing and i couldn't find her.. well i looked behind some of the rocks and there she was almost a complet pail white...not moving , floped over on her side..my first reaction is ok..she is sleeping..but nop...she was dead! anyone have any idea what might of caused it?

and i never knew that one l;ittle fish dieing..would have any effect on me..but it really really sucks!!

so :rip: my little clown fish... :byebye:
anyone have any idea what might of caused it?
Can you remind us of your tank details

Size Stock etc

& your tank parameters

Any new additions ??

ok..i had my water tested and everything came back 100% perfict!! my tank is a 30gl, 28.5 pounds of LR...the tank measures 30 inc long, 12 inc wide and 17 inc tall...at the time there were no new additions..well i added 4 blue leg crabs, and 5 turbo snales..but they were added at least a week and a half..and one other clown (added same time)

my LFS told me mostlikely ich... how can i control this i just added 2 cleaner shrimp today? and am hoping to get a cleaner wrasse very soon?? will this be ok?
I wouldnt add any fish until you get the Ich problemo under control...

Taken From www.about.com

Treatment: Raise water temperature
<li>Medicate for 10-14 days
<li>Reduce medication when treating scaleless fish
<li>Discontinue carbon filtration during treatment
<li>Perform water changes between treatments

The entire cycle takes about two weeks from start to finish. Higher temps will shorten the cycle, while low temps lengthen it. Therefore, raising the water temp shortens the time it takes for the parasite to reach the stage in which it is susceptible to medication.Treatments must be given for a long enough period to assure that all parasites are gone. Watch carefully for other infections, as secondary infections often occur where the skin has been damaged by the parasite. Although nothing kills the parasite once it has checked into it's fish "hotel", several chemicals kill ich once it has left the fish. Malachite green, methylene blue, quinine hydrochloride, and mepracrine hydrochloride are all effective, and are available under several brand names.Dose based on the package instructions, however cut dosages in half when treating scaleless catfish and tetras. Regardless of the medication used, treatment should be given continuously for 10-14 days to ensure all parasites are killed. Between treatments a partial water change is recommended. Keep water temperatures higher than usual to speed up the life cycle of the parasite. Discontinue carbon filtration during treatment, as it will remove the chemicals.Prevention: <li>Quarantine new fish for two weeks
<li>Treat plants before adding to tank
<li>Maintain high water quality
<li>Provide fish with a nutritionally balanced diet

The best way to avoid ich is to quarantine all new fish in a separate tank for two weeks before moving them to the regular tank. When quarantine is not possible, a prophylactic treatment may be used. Either methylene blue or malachite green given when new fish are introduced and again four days later will help reduce incidence of infection. New plants should also be treated, as they can carry ich cysts. Maintaining high water quality, avoiding temperature fluctuations,and providing a robust diet is the best preventative for ich and other diseases.

and am hoping to get a cleaner wrasse very soon?? will this be ok?

Cleaner Wrasse do not do well in home aquariums - the longest I have heard of one lasting is 12 months
They eiker starve to death or jump

IMO a bad addition to such a small tank

As for the Ich

What is your Current Stock

Ich can either be introduced by new additions (fish) or casued by stress in the tank

Are you overstock
Is there any territorial disputes etc.

My last case of Ich I deceided to start feeding a Garlic supplemented food

I increased the amount of feeding per day & decressed the qty given per feeding, either the increased amount of feeding or the garlic worked but my Ich went very quickly
ya i have hird they same hing about cleaner wrasse...well i guess i'll forget about that..

i'am ot over stocked by anymeans..all i ahve now is one clown fish and 2 cleaner shrimp, 5 sanls and 5 hurmit crabs..

the only thing i have doen to the tank was moe some rock around, (but that wasn't were the clowns usually hide)

i'll tyr the thing about the feeding to..Thanks!!

also has anyone hird about ich begon..something like that comes in a bottle..sosposed to be very good??

Thanks All!!!
Try to only buy tank raised clowns as they survive better then WC clowns.

Garlic juice added to there food is a good choice but giving them a fresh water dip once a week for 5 mins will help even better.

And if you only got fish in your tank with no corals, keep the salinity at 1.018-1.021.
And if you only got fish in your tank with no corals, keep the salinity at 1.018-1.021.

Can I ask you thinking behind this

As if it is to get rid of Ich using Hypo-Salinity - you would have to go way loweer than that

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