Stocking A Fiji 90 Gallon Tank


Fish Crazy
Oct 9, 2006
Reaction score
near philly PA
this past weekend, I went to a sale at ThatFishPlace and picked up a 90 perfecto tank. Couldnt afford the reef ready(an extra $150 to drill a few holes!) Anyway i was planning on getting it drilled at a local place untill i got the tank home and saw the Templered glass sticker on the bottom :angry:. So now i guess im stuck with using an overflow :sick:. Anyway i'm still saving for the rest of the tank and hopefully it will be started in about 1 or 2 months. which will come with a new tank journal for everyone, to help me with my problems :shifty:. I was thinking about the stocking and thought it would be cool to have a tank with all the specimens from one place(don't know the name for them). I liked the idea of Fiji, so my main question is are all of these fish from fiji, i just got indo-pacific for some of them when i searched.

- Sailfin Tang (Not Desjardini)
- (3)Green Chromis
- Blue Hippo Tang
- (2)Tomato or Ocellaris Clownfish
- Mandarin Dragonet
- Copperband Butterflyfish
- Antennata Lionfish

Also, would all these fish be overstocking a 90 gal. with 55 gal sump.
All ideas are welcome :good:
Thanks in advaced
The stocking level, in my opinion, seems fine. I'm sure you have realized this, but the Lionfish may decide to consume your Pomacentrids, even though they eat shrimp in the wild. Keep him well fed.

The only other problem is that the Sailfin *may* outgrow the tank. It's maximum size depends on many factors, but these fishes can potentially grow to a length of nearly 15''.

Although I was planning on getting a BTA for the 2 clowns mabye to provide some protection. I will be having about 6 watts per gallon (metal halide and power compact) Also if the lion does get hungry for a fish i'm hoping he will go for the chromis instead of the clowns :blush:. As for the Sailfin tang I was hoping to keep him until he gets to big for the tank, then he will be relocated :(
I would highly recommend a leather coral as opposed to a BTA. But, if you are confident in your abilities, fly right at 'er; but if it does die, do not get another one until you have identified the problem and fixed it.

I would also recommend having a refugium in your sump. :good: Very helpful, they is.

i will have a 55 gal. for the sump and about half of this will be a refugium. My LFS sells anemones that are tank breed or tank cut in half or whatever. and are supposely alot hardier than wild caught anemone.
Does anyone know about where those fish listied above are found in the wild?
Please don't put Clownfishes, Chromis or Mandarin Dragonets with a Lionfish. They will all get eaten. I used to feed dead clowns and dead damsels to the lionfishes at our warehouse.

As for the fishes.... It's pretty hard to try to buy fish from a certain area, when many of them come from more than one area. I would say just buy fish based on there health and your tanks capability. Also make sure the fish you plan to get will get along.

Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma Veliferum)- Indo-Pacific, Coral Sea, Fiji
Blue Green Chromis (Chromis Viridis)- Coral Sea, Indo-Pacific, Tahiti, Red Sea
Hippo Tang (Paracanthurus Hepatus)- Indo-Pacific
Tomato Clown (Amphiprion Frenatus)- Indo-Pacific, Fiji
Ocellaris Clown (Amphiprion Ocellaris)- Indo-Pacific
Mandarin Dragonet (Pterosynchiropus splendidus)- Western Pacific
Copper Banded Butterfly (Chelmon Rostratus)- Pacific and Indian Oceans
Antennata Lion (Pterois Antennata)- Indo-Pacific, Africa, Australia

Yes most of the LFS's stock come from indo.
Cant wait to see what comes of your ideas. What about a dwarf lionfish thats still 6" right?

is that to small for what you would like?
to: Betta5 - size doesnt really matter, i just like looks of the Antennata Lion over the Dwarf.

to: MoonTang - I read an article on lionfish, which said that the Antennata Lion usally eats crustaceans not fish. But I did deside against the Lion :good:

so now the stocking looks like this

- Sailfin Tang
- Blue Hippo Tang
- Ocellaris Clownfish
- Mandarin Dragonet
- Copperband Butterflyfish
- Flame angelfish

And i was wondering if it would be overstocked if i added a white cheek tang to the list
No, in my opinion you would not be overstocked. :) And you are right; Pterois antennata's diet, in the wild, is wholly composed of crustaceans. They may still eat fish in the aquarium, however.

It may be in your best interest to swap the Sailfin for a Ctenochaetus of some kind; they do not grow as large (therefore eliminating the possibilty of a huge fish in the future) and are voracious algae eaters, far more so than any other genus of Tang. However, like I said before, either way it should work out.

I would also, if I were you, swap the Flame Angel or Mandarin for a lion of some kind (Pterois antennata or P. radiata). Altogether a "more betterer" animal in my opinion. But the choice is yours. :good:

ok, so now i'm thinking ill ditch the mandarin and add the lion back. I'm planning to keep the sailfin until he out grows his tank, hes only about 3 in now. so now i have

- Sailfin Tang
- Blue Hippo Tang
- Ocellaris Clownfish
- Copperband Butterflyfish
- Flame angelfish
- White Cheek Tang
- Antennata Lion

sound good?
I don't know.

But judging by the fish's nature... perhaps dropping it into the flow of the filter wil be adequate?

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