Clown Gobies Won't Eat!


Sep 17, 2006
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Pittsburgh, PA
Around a week and a half ago, I picked up two (tank-bred) Yellow Clown Gobies in hopes of forming a mated pair. I have been feeding the tank with Cyclopeeze (frozen cyclops stick). While my other two fish (Neon Goby and Blackline Fang Blenny) love the stuff, the Clown gobies at most eat two or three Cyclops in a feeding session. I had been overfeeding in an attempt to get the cyclops in the water long enough for them to get their fill, but it didn't seem to work, as both still have sunken stomachs. I've tried other foods including flake, pellets, frozen Rotifers, and frozen Mysis. The only one they have any interest in is Mysis, but even these they tend to spit out soon after swallowing.

The smaller Clown Goby was faring even worse, and seemingly is nowhere to be found now. I think he's dead and was eaten by the Nassarius, but the larger one is still out and about and I hope to find something he will eat.

Are there any live foods you guys would suggest? And where could I pick them up (don't see too many at the local saltwater stores).
Try feeding brine shrimp soaked in garlic juice. That's what i did and it worked for me back then.

I used a product made by KENT called Garlic Xtreme.

Hope that helps. Goodluck!!!!!!
I second that for the garlic and brine shrimp. You can go to your local grocery store and pick up the garlic juice....much cheaper.
Try putting a tropical sinker pellet near them ;)

Leave it for a couple of hours see if you get any action;

If not remember to remove the pellet ;)


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