My First Shipment Of Fish


Aug 24, 2006
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I was kinda freaked out because some of the fish ship in a plastic bag that is tinted. I tought that water was all purple. From what I can see everything is alive. My water temp is a little i'm rising it a few degrees. From 74 to 77...i'll keep you guys posted on the progress.

:) I feel like a kid at Xmas

Alright I just put everyone in the dripping bucket and they are all swimming. The Tang is really big compare to my Nemo and my Angel. The anemone is already in the tank moving along and making friends...I hope
I bought brin shrimp and they are not eating that either. I bought different pellets and they are not eating that either. I'm kinda of at a lost right now.....
I would not worry if they do not eat right away, remember they are in the habit of searching for food, not having it drop on their heads :) I would keep feeding little bits at a time until they get use to being feed or add garlic extract, you could also keep the lights on the tank out for a day or so to get them used to thier new environment. Good luck
Thank for the info. My cleaning crew is as busy as ever eating all the stuff that fell at the bottom. I will give them a few days...and see what will happend.
Well I lost tw nemo last night. It's probably because I had a party and a few people over for a little while i'm not sure. One was in the back of the tank and the other one was under the anemone :(
Thats sux

Were they tank raised clowns??
Because wild caught clowns are harder to keep.

Oh yea they usually ship fish that get stressed easily in the tinted bag 8)

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