Search results

  1. V

    Fix Cooling Fan?

    What model lighting is it? As a general rule any fan can be replaced as long as you can get to it.
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    Hey All

    Ha ha, OK, A bit further away then.
  3. V

    Hey All

    Hi Shibby, Do you by any chance live in the Weston near Stevenage?. Just wondering.
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    Nothing To Do With Marine Keeping

    Ha ha, Don't ask me why I spotted it, Must have looked at it hundreds of times before.
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    Nothing To Do With Marine Keeping

    I just noticed something, The word receive is spelt wrongly on the sub heading of this section. :blink:
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    Hello! New Here. I Have A Question

    In my experience Cyano type glues do not glue plastic very well, Water also gradually acts as a de-bonder. Have a look on ebay for something called poly weld, It is a proper plastic welding glue. It does not work with all plastic but should be fine if your skimmer is a thermo plastic, Which is...
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    200 Year Old Coco Worm

    Do they have growth rings like trees?. :rolleyes:
  8. V

    Want To Buy An Orca Tl450

    Thanks GrantyBoy, I have been emailing them today and discovered they are only 20 mins drive away from me (Bonus). So I am trundling down there tomorrow to get the Orca TL450, and some other bits and bobs I've no doubt.
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    Want To Buy An Orca Tl450

    Thanks for the reply demonmagus, I did actually stumble on that supplier later last night, They seemed quite cheap, Especially as the stand seems to be £25, I have seen the stand on ebay for £50, Or am I missing something here. Can they surely be cheaper elsewhere. Any info from people would...
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    Want To Buy An Orca Tl450

    I would like to buy the above, But I do not seem to be able to find anywhere (online at the moment anyway) that sells it. Can anyone recommend a shop (I live in Royston Herts) or an online seller to get one from. I might go and have a look round at the weekend but it does slightly miff me when...
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    Co2 Diffusers...

    Surely importing would cost more than 'taking the mick' postage???. Any pics of what you are ordering?.
  12. V

    Just Started

    Don't be disheartened by anything that happens, Just keep getting advice from the forum and you will be OK in the future.
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    Just Started

    You need to stop putting fish in the tank, The neons will almost certainly die I'm affraid, Infact all may do except the danios, Have a look at the stickys in the beginners section for info on cycling etc. Loaches will not help with keeping ammonia down, they add to it. At the moment you really...
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    Ro Waste Water

    Have you done any tests on the waste RO water, it might just be ok for hard water fish, I have never tested mine so do not know what sort of levels to expect, but this would change from region to region anyway.
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    I had some fluffy algae growing in my tank and within 2 days, 6 amano's had eaten the lot.
  16. V

    Ro Waste Water

    All my tank change and waste RO water goes into a water butt for the garden.
  17. V

    Water That Goes Into Your Tank.

    I use Kent RO Right and the Kent Discus Essential I think Its called. I also put a bit of plant fertilizer in as well. All the naughty water readings are Zero and my 12 Kuhli loach, 6 corys, 6 Amano Shrimp and a load of MTS seem to be loving it. And the plants, Nearly forgot them. :crazy:
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    Bbc1 8pm Tonight (sunday)

    I must admit, Some of the 'waffle' did get to me, I was just thinking get on with it.
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    Eheim Filter Hoses..

    You can buy long pipe cleaner type brushes for just this job, Not sure on price though but not too much if I remember correctly.
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    Water That Goes Into Your Tank.

    I have a RODI unit that supplies water to my tank. No problems so far, I do add the correct trace elements to it of course.
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    Bbc1 8pm Tonight (sunday)

    I recorded both on sky plus, And have just watched The Perfect Shark, brilliant program. Didn't that chap film Amazon Abyss as well?. Which I also watched the other day but can't remember. :D
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    Pure Ammonia

    Where in the world are you?????.
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    Any Free Plants On The Go?

    I have had a slightly delayed prune today, So will hopefully get the plants of this week.
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    Which One Do I Trust?

    I have always put my trust in the tetra liquid tests, I find them easier to read being colour blind. I have seen other posts by you about this I think, What is this "Filter Check" you keep refering to?, Is it a brand name?.
  25. V

    On A Trip To Enfield I Found....

    I visited the 'Garden Centre, Fish shop' run today in Enfield, The traffic was horrible. I skipped Waterworld as I missed the turning (my first time down the strip). There was one garden centre (named after a colour) that I was not impressed with, Dirty tanks etc. Wildwoods I like but I do not...
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    Making Ornament For My Tank Is Woodwork Technology

    What wood would you be using?. It is more than likely going to float.
  27. V

    Beginner Question

    This is how my water looks, As already said it is the tannins that create it. It's called 'Black Water', Very soft and acidic.
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    Well Bloo, At least we now know for sure what the rules are. You are right though, Why not just say insects.
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    Distilled Water

    I have a RODI unit and use no other water than what comes from it. I must add though that I also use the correct additives to correct it for aquatic life. My kuhlies, corys and shrimps are certainly not complaining. I use it because my tap water is loaded with nitrate and is VERY hard.
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    HHMM interesting, I wonder what the conditions are though, Possibly marking to say livestock maybe??. The original point I was getting was that snails are sent in damp wadding as shrimps I would think would be shloshing around in a tub of water, But yes, It is still wrong to mis handle fragile...
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    Shop With Largest/widest Selection

    You cannot be too far from me KimA, I went the new Maidenhead shop the other day and was VERY impressed. I am going there this afternoon as it goes, To have a look and buy a few bits, You know how it is. :D I like Wildwoods as well, I may even take a trip over as well as Maidenhead at Polhill.
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    In defence of Royail Mail, They do state quite clearly that NO livestock is to be posted by them. Hence the fact it's never stated what is in the package, I have only seen "Live Aquatic Plants" written on items I have bought from various places before, The snails I got were not marked for...
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    I have had snails from them and the service was excellent, I will probably be buying some shrimp soon as well.
  34. V

    Any Free Plants On The Go?

    Neal and Siamesefighter, If you both PM me your addresses I will send some plants as soon as they are ready, I will get some sealy bags and envelopes from work today and hopefully post them next week as I should be having a prune this weekend, Boy does it need it at the moment.
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    Any Free Plants On The Go?

    Speaking of plants, Does anyone here know a cheap source for Riccia?, I just looked on ebay and there is someone selling a 10cm x 10cm square for £11 + £4 postage, That's after selling the same a little while ago for £7 + £3 postage. Someones on the make if you ask me. Someone else is selling...
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    Any Free Plants On The Go?

    My moss has just been placed in some bogwood with 150 watts of metal halide above it. Hopefully it will grow quickly like my other plants and can start taking some cuttings.
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    Any Free Plants On The Go?

    The way I see it is, I would rather give them to someone who wants them rather than chuck them in the bin. I may be having a prune this weekend and I got some Java moss I need to plant as well today. Hopefully that will be going mad soon as well.
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    Any Free Plants On The Go?

    Don't worry Neal, No-one thinks you are bad for asking, My motto is, If you don't ask you don't get. Besides, You do not work (yet) so it's not your fault.
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    Any Free Plants On The Go?

    Greenline are excellent, That's where my plants came from.
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    Nutrafin Co2 Bubble Counter/diffuser (update, Replacement Has Been Sen

    As you live in the UK you have the distance selling law on your side. This also includes the fact that if something arrives DOA (Dead On Arrival) then the SENDER is responsible for the return carriage costs. What I would do is say to them either replace it at their expense, Or cancel the...