Ro Waste Water


New Member
Oct 9, 2005
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I have an RO system and I use the good RO water for my Discus tanks. I end up pouring the waste water down the drain. Could I use this waste water for Angel fish or guppies? I keep the Angel Fish and Guppies in my tap water now with no problems. Does the waste RO water have a higher concentration of elements that would cause problems for the Angel Fish? I am tired of wasting the water but I don't feel like carrying buckets of water outside to the garden.

So is it ok to use waste RO water with other fish such as Angel Fish? The Angel Fish are 3 months old. Also I have heard it is better to raise Discus in hard water when they are young could I use the waste RO for young Discus? Thanks!
Waste water from an RO filter is exactly that....WASTE. SH
I am not trying to be lazy. It is just that I use 20 gallons of RO water a day for my Discus and that means at least 60 gallons of waste water and I can't use all that in the garden plus moving it outside with 5 gallon buckets gets old.

There isn't a high concentration of ammonia, nitrites, or chlorine in the waste water. I think it just becomes really hard water with a lot of total disolved solids. I wasn't sure if hard water would be ok for Angel Fish or maybe African Cichlids.

I would just like to use the water instead of dumping it down the drain.

Thanks for your replies.
Have you done any tests on the waste RO water, it might just be ok for hard water fish, I have never tested mine so do not know what sort of levels to expect, but this would change from region to region anyway.
Pump the waste to your header tank in the loft & use it
for flushing & washing.
Pump the waste to your header tank in the loft & use it
for flushing & washing.
That would of course assume that he has a header tank... Not everyone does now with the growing popularity of combi-boilers.
True, But it costs about £50 for a header tank & ballcock. Maybe £100 to twin feed to the main loo.

60 gallons a week is worth retrieving.
Waste water can contain other chemicals in the water that are not measured by gH kits. I would not put it in MY aquarium. SH
Before the water even gets to my RO membrane it goes through 2 x 1 micron carbon block filters and a CBR/HMA filter, this water is definitely OK to use and I use it to remineralise the RO water ( 75-25 and 50-50 dependent on the tank )
If you have decent pre-filtration the water is absolutely fine to use.

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